Page 18 - 4_TOC special applications
P. 18

Sum parameters – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TN Determination
                                         For the risk assessment of allergen carryover in food production
            No. SCA-130-408

        The German Allergy and Asthma Association              ▪ TN / TOC - Determination
        (DAAB) estimates the number of food allergy            Cleaning validation results can also be used to
        sufferers needing treatment to be around six           estimate a possible allergen contamination. This is
        million. While in children and infants, cow milk,      performed via a ‘worst case’ scenario that
        soy, wheat, peanuts and hazelnuts are the main         assumes that all organic substances are allergens.
        trigger, adolescents and adults generally react        As   allergens  present   in  foods   are  almost
        more strongly to raw vegetables and fruits, nuts,      exclusively proteins containing nitrogen atoms, the
        fish, shellfish and molluscs. Persons with food        TN    parameter    provides   considerably   more
        allergies are sensitive to certain food ingredients,   information  for  the   assessment    of  allergen
        so-called allergens.                                   carryover in a ‘worst case’ scenario than the TOC
                                                               parameter alone.

        To provide information on the consumption of           TOC-L combustion analyzer with autosampler for TOC
        allergen-containing   foods   to  those   persons      and TN determination
        affected, the 14 most frequent food allergy triggers
        (for example mustard, eggs, celery, peanuts etc.)
        are subject to appropriate package labelling. If a     ▪ Tests with foods containing allergens
        food contains one of these ingredients, this must      Contaminated rinse water samples, i.e. with
        be clearly indicated on the packaging. During food     defined concentrations of an allergen-containing
        production or processing, traces of allergens can      raw material or a product, were prepared in tap
        inadvertently get into foods via preliminary or        water on an experimental basis. Subsequently,
        intermediate products, without being labelled on       these samples were analyzed for their TOC and
        the packaging as an ingredient.                        TN content.

        To avoid such cross-contamination, many food           As expected, it was concluded that both the TOC
        manufacturers rely on cleaning validation.             and the TN concentrations increase linearly with
                                                               increasing product concentration.
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