Page 4 - 3_Chemical industry
P. 4
To investigate matrix influences, a potassium The relative standard deviation over all
hydrogen phthalate solution was measurements was 3.4%. The following
subsequently added to the 18.5% graph shows the progression of the TOC
hydrochloric acid solution to increase the values of the hydrochloric acid injections.
TOC by 5 ppm (Figure 3 and Table 1).
Fig.4: Result of longterm stability
Blank values and standards (10 ppm) were
Fig.3: Results of original and spiked hydrochloric
solution alternately measured between the individual
Figure 3 and Table 1 show the results of the
individual measurements of the hydrochloric
acid as well as the measurements of the
spiked hydrochloric acid.
TOC result of 18,5% hydrochloric acid in mg/l
Injection Original Spiked with
5ppm TOC
1 4,901 10,46 Fig. 5: Sequence of hydrochloric acid, blank (pure
2 4,858 10,24 water) and Standards (10 mg/l)
3 4,91 10,39
4 4,716 10,64
5 4,728 10,28 ■ Recommended analyzer / configuration
6 4,739 10,35 TOC-L CPH with a normal sensitive catalyst
7 4,966 10,34 (without glass wool at the bottom of the
8 4,71 10,36
9 4,662 10,42 catalyst tube)
10 4,733 10,33 B-Type scrubber with SnCl 2 solution
11 4,659 10,11 Copper bead scrubber with pH paper
12 4,625 10,27 Bypassing the blank check vessel
13 4,552 10,06
Mean value 4,75 10,33 Substituting water for phosphoric acid (IC
SD 0,12 0,15 vessel)
RSD in % 2,6 1,4 OCT-L 8-port sampler
Tab. 1: Values of each injection
■ Long-term stability
To investigate the long-term stability of the
method, the 37% hydrochloric acid solution
was again diluted to a ratio of 1:2 with water
and injected 76 times (150 µL).