Page 6 - 1_Environmental analysis
P. 6


            A TOC-L CPN was used  for the analysis. To          In   many    cases,   wastewater     contains
            ensure efficient use of the instrument for          particles.  Where the wastewaters are not
            large sample quantities, the fully automated        filtered, the particles  need to be held  in
            dilution function and the additional high-salt      suspension by stirring. In order to prevent in
            sample kit were applied. With a dedicated           homogeneity      of    the    particles   by
            function,  samples could be diluted up to a         sedimentation within the syringe body,
            factor  of  1:50.  For  the  phenol-containing      multiple injections from the same syringe may
            wastewater,  the  sample  was  diluted  by  a       not be carried out in this case.
            factor of 1:10. The high-salt sample kit
            increases the lifetime of the catalyst for high
            salt loads.

                                                                ■ Recommended Analyzer / Configuration
                                                                TOC-L  CPN  with normal sensitive Catalyst or
                                                                kit for high salt samples (B-Type-Scrubber)
                                                                ASI-L  (40ml)  with  stirrer  option  (for  samples
                                                                with particles) and External Sparge-Kit

                                                                ■ Useful instrument parameters::
                      Fig. Combustion tube (of salt kit)
                          after the long term test                Use of integrated dilution function for
                                                                    automated sample dilution
                                                                  In the presence of particles: deactivation
            To test long-term stability, more than 300              of multiple injection via the syringe.
            injections  of  the  saline  wastewater  were

            The     graph   shows     the   stability  of
            measurement of over 300 injections with a
            standard deviation of 1.7%. Mean value was
            3042 mg/L.
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