Page 2 - LifeScience Solution for FNIRS
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

            Shimadzu Provides Powerful Support for                                                                                      Shimadzu is a pioneer in NIRS measurement to

            Brain Function Research in a Wide Variety of Fields                                                                         observe the brain by light

            The 21  century is said to be the century of the brain, where neuroscience is an advanced interdisciplinary field of study, with significant   In the late 1980s, Shimadzu started researching using near infrared light to measure the oxygen kinetics in biological tissue, which led
            progress in research being made in a broad range of areas, from basic research to clinical applications in medical and biological fields to   to releasing the OM-100A in 1991, Japan's first clinical noninvasive oxygen monitor. At the time, it was mainly used to evaluate the
            even industrial applications.                                                                                               oxygen kinetics in vascular diseases and muscles. Based on the technology cultivated for those applications, we successively developed
            There are many aspects of how the brain relates to the "mind," such as how we think, memorize, recognize, and feel emotions, that   and released multi-channel type optical brain-function imaging systems designed specifically for the brain (LABNIRS).
            are still not well understood. Researching such brain science is truly at the frontier of life-science research, all over the world, work is   Brain function varies depending on the part (area) of the brain. Such as language area, which is used to understand and manipulate
            being conducted on a wide variety of research projects in integrated areas that involve multiple fields.                    words, the motor cortex, which is used to move various parts of the body, and the prefrontal cortex, which thought to be responsible
            Brain function research is not limited to traditional research areas, such as psychiatry, neurology, human development, and psychology.   for higher cognitive functions, e.g. recognition and decision making.
            There is now increasing interest from various rehabilitation or applied engineering fields and the social and human sciences as well, and   If there was an easy and noninvasive method of measuring the brain that allows evaluating the functions of specific areas of the brain,
            economics. This range of research is expanding at an increasing rate.                                                       then that method could be used for a wide range of applications, such as reseach of early detection of dementia or determining the
            Furthermore, a variety of measurement technologies and instruments have been developed as methods to research brain function.   effectiveness of rehabilitation or the loss of brain function in mental disorders.
            Some of the methods include EEG (electroencephalography), fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), PET (positron emission   In engineering fields, active progress is being made in researching technology to operate machinery using brain activity, referred to as
            tomography), and MEG (magnetoencephalography) (see Table 1). One new method which was developed and has been raising        brain-machine interface (BMI) technology.
            expectations in recent years, is fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy). This method is capable of measuring brain function   As a pioneer of NIRS measurement technology, Shimadzu has been working with researchers in a variety of fields to promote research
            noninvasively by using infrared light, which offers superior penetration of the body. fNIRS has several advantages over other measure-  in the observation of the brain using light and has contributed to the development of brain function research in many different areas.
            ment methods, such as fewer constraints on the subject. Consequently, as a measurement method that allows a high degree of
            freedom, applications of the technology are increasing at a rapid rate. One of the main benefits of fNIRS is its high compatibility with
            other measurement methods, which means it is capable of simultaneous measurements.

                                         Table 1  Typical Instruments Used to Measure Brain Function
                               MEG                PET             fMRI            EEG              fNIRS
                         Magnetoencephalography  Positron Emission   Functional Magnetic  Electroencephalography  Functional Near-
                                               Tomography     Resonance Imaging               Infrared Spectroscopy
                            Magnetism         Gamma rays     Electromagnetic   Electric Potential  Near Infrared Light
                         Neuro-electrical current  Cerebral      Waves      Neuro-electrical current  Changes in cerebral
             Measurement                    blood flow and blood   Changes in cerebral           blood flow
                                                 volume         blood flow                       (Deoxy-Hb
                                            Changes in metabolites  (Deoxy-Hb)                    Oxy-Hb)
                Time                                                                            One hundred
               Resolution    Milliseconds        Minutes         Seconds        Milliseconds     milliseconds
                           Quickly captures                                   Quickly captures   Allows measurement of
               Features  first-order reactions of   Quantifiable  Provides information   first-order reactions of   nearly routine activity
                               neurons                          about form       neurons

                                                                                                                                          Principle of Using Near Infrared Light to Measure Brain Function                       P.4
                                                                                                                                          Optical Brain-Function Imaging                                                         P.6
                                                                                                                                            Neurorehabilitation                                                                  P.8
                                                                                                                                            Comparison of fNIRS and fMRI                                                         P.9
                                                                                                                                            Brain Activity during Motor Control                                                  P.10
                                                                                                                                            Simultaneous Measurement with EEG                                                    P.12
                                                                                                                                            NIRS Signal Analysis Method                                                          P.14
                                                                                                                                            Investigating Inner Speech                                                           P.16
                                                                                                                                            Language Processing Functions                                                        P.18
                                                                                                                                            Mental Disorder Research                                                             P.20
                                                                                                                                          Key References Regarding Shimadzu fNIRS                                                P.23
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