Page 27 - Solution SystemGC for Hydrocarbon
P. 27

Trace Gases Analyzer - CO                           2  / CO / CH          4

            Nexis GC-2030CCC3

              Analyzer Description                     Typical Chromatogram

              System Configuration:
              ・2 valves / 4 columns (packed) / TCD /
                methanizer FID
              Sample Information:
              ・H 2 or light gaseous hydrocarbons or
                Light gas (H 2, O 2, N 2, Ar)
              Compounds Analysed:
              ・CO 2, CO and CH 4
              Typical  Concentration Range:
              ・1 ppm for CO 2, CO and CH 4
              ・0.01% for CO 2, CO and CH 4
              Reference Method:
              ・UOP 603

              Features                                                                                                 Trace Gases

              ・  Separate channels with rugged
                 pack columns
              ・  % detection level of CO 2, CH 4 and
                 CO analysis
              ・  Trace detection level of CO 2 and CO
                 analysis by conversion to CH 4 and
                 detected by methanizer FID
              ・  16 mins analysis time

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