Page 21 - Solution SystemGC for Hydrocarbon
P. 21

BID Extended Re nery Gas Analyzer (Dual Oven)
            Nexis GC-2030 BIDERGA-D

              Analyzer Description                     Typical Chromatogram

              System Configuration:
              ・ 4 valves / 7 columns (packed and
                 capillary) / BID / 2 FIDs
              Sample Information:
              ・ Re  ned gas or similar gaseous mixture
              Compounds Analysed:
              ・ C1 to C6+ hydrocarbons
              ・ C6 to C14 hydrocarbons
              ・ H 2, O 2, N 2, CO, CO 2, C 2H 6, C 2H 4,
                 C 2H 2, H 2S
              Typical  Concentration Range:
              ・ 0.001 % mol for permanent gases
                 and C2 hydrocarbons on TCD, except
                 for H 2S, 0.01 % mol for H 2S
              ・ 0.001 % for C1 to C6+ hydrocarbons
              ・ 0.001 % for C6 to C14 hydrocarbons
              Reference Method:
              ・ ASTM D-1946, D-1945, D-3588,                                                                           Re nery Gas


              ・  1 BID channel
              ・  FID for C1 to C6+ hydrocarbons
              ・  2nd FID for C6 to C14 hydrocarbons
              ・  Rugged packed and capillary columns
              ・  10 mins analysis time

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