Page 6 - Cannabis&Hemp Hemp Testing Solution
P. 6

Potency Testing by LC-MS(/MS)

            Some labs require a higher level of confirmation of the cannabinoids then a UV-Vis or photodiode array (PDA)
            detector can provide as described on pages 4-5. That is where LC-MS and LC-MS/MS come in to play. The
            advantages of LC-MS(/MS) are improved sensitivity (S/N), selectivity, and mass identification. As long as each
            cannabinoid has a unique mass (does not pertain to isotopes), complete baseline resolution is not required. These LC-
            MS(/MS) methods are also capable of measuring 16 or more cannabinoids.

            LC-MS Analysis

            Added confidence in identification can be obtained
            using a single quadrupole MS and in-source
            fragmentation. The cannabinoid list is the same
            as on page 4 with the addition of CBNA, CBDVA,
            THCVA, CBCA, and CBL. Under the conditions of the
            experiment, neutral cannabinoids (top) such as Δ9-THC,
            CBD, and CBL are ionized in positive mode while their
            respective acidic cannabinoids (bottom) are ionized
            in negative mode. For the full application, request
            Shimadzu’s Application News No. HPLC-028.

                              Analysis of 16 Cannabinoids with the
                                 Shimadzu LC-2040C 3D with mass
                                       spectrometer (LCMS-2020)

            LC-MS/MS Analysis

            LC-MS/MS compared with LCMS (described above) provides a higher level of sensitivity (S/N), selectivity, and
            confirmation of the compounds. UHPLC instead of HPLC can be used for faster analysis time. Also, full baseline
            resolution of the cannabinoids is not required because of the selectivity of the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.
            The data includes MRM transitions for a quantifier ion and at least one qualifier ion. For the full application, request
            Shimadzu’s Application News No. LCMS-108 for 16 cannabinoids.

            150                                              Δ9-THC D3

            100                     CBDA                  Δ9 - THC                            Δ9-THCA-A
             75       CBDV       CBG   THCV         CBN                CBL
                        CBDVA   CBD                                           CBNA
             50                                                  Δ8 -THC
                                           CBGA          THCVA
             25                                                                   CBC

                0.75   1.00   1.25   1.50   1.75   2.00   2.25   2.50   2.75   3.00   3.25   3.50   3.75   4.00   min
            Analysis of 16 Cannabinoids with Shimadzu’s Nexera UHPLC and LCMS-8050

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