Page 4 - Cannabis&Hemp Hemp Testing Solution
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Potency Testing by HPLC

            The Hemp Analyzer captures the spirit of an Analyzer - a comprehensive package integrating instrument hardware,
            software, consumables, and analytical workflow. Includes a certified reference material (CRM) mixture of target
            compounds. Also includes a service package to cover preventive maintenance and warranty for three years, plus free
            technical support for the life of the product. The solution is ready to use after one day of installation and testing, and
            requires no time-consuming method development on the part of the analyst.

                 Target Compound List     Turnkey HPLC
             THCV   Tetrahydrocannabivarin     Analyzer
             Δ8-THC  Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol
             Δ9-THC  Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol
                                          Choice of 3 Proven
             THCA   Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid
             CBD    Cannabidiol
             CBDA   Cannabidiolic acid       HPLC Methods
             CBDV   Cannabidivarin
             CBN    Cannabinol            3 Years Warranty &
             CBG    Cannabigerol
                                             Preventive Maintenance
             CBGA   Cannabigerolic acid
             CBC    Cannabichromene

                       High Throughput HPLC Method Package – Designed for analysis of CBD, Δ9-THC, and 8 other
                       commonly requested cannabinoids in under 8 minutes. This is the original method developed by
                       Shimadzu in collaboration with industry laboratories. (Does not include THCV.)

                       High Sensitivity HPLC Method Package – Adds THCV to the target analyte list, with an
                       instrument cycle time of under 10 minutes. The short analysis time produces the sharpest
                       chromatographic peaks for the best overall sensitivity.

                       High Resolution HPLC Method Package – Presents full baseline resolution for all 11 compounds
                       and an analysis time under 30 minutes. This method is preferred for research purposes, or
                       when additional compounds must be added to the analysis in response to new state regulatory

                 High Throughput Method              High Sensitivity Method          High Resolution Method
              mV                                  mV                                mV
             100                                                                   90
             90                                                                    80
                                                                    CBN                                       THCA
             80                                  50                                                      CBN
                              CBN                                                  70
             70                                  40  CBDV                          60                      ∆9-THC  CBC
             60      CBDA  CBGA    ∆9-THC  CBC  THCA     CBDA  CBGA     ∆9-THC  CBC  THCA  50           CBGA  ∆8-THC
             50  CBDV  CBG  CBD     ∆8-THC       30        CBG  CBD  THCV  ∆8-THC  40
             40                                                                         CBDV     THCV  CBD  CBG  CBDA
                                                 20                                30
             30                                                                    20
             10                                  0                                  0
                    3.0   4.0   5.0   6.0  min   2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  min   7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  min
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9