Page 27 - Food&Beverages Solution Palm Oil
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High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)  High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)

 Antioxidants  Shimadzu Liquid Chromatograph Product Lineup

 Ingredients in foods form oxides when exposed to atmospheric oxygen, resulting in quality deterioration. Various food additives are   Model  Features
 used to prevent this oxidation. Four types of phenolic antioxidants are allowed to be added to foods in Japan. These are BHT
 (butylated hydroxytoluene), BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), NDGA (nordihydroguaiaretic acid), and PG (propyl gallate). They are   · Multiple solvent delivery options, a broad range of flows, and isocratic or gradient elution
 permitted for use in oils and fats, butter, frozen seafood, and dried seafood products.  · Numerous detector options to cover a range of sample chemistries
 Shown here is an example of the analysis of nine phenolic antioxidants: the four permitted in Japan plus another five that are   · Expandable valving options from simple to complex flow paths
 permitted for use in other countries.  · Covering a broad range of analyses from analytical to semi-preparative, reversed phase, normal phase,
                                        Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) and Ion Chromatography (IC)

 Analytical Conditions
 Column   :Shim-pack FC-ODS (75 mmL. × 4.6 mmI.D.)
 Mobile phase   :A:5% Acetic Acid-water   B:Methanol/Acetonitrile = 1/1 (v/v) B (40%)     B (80%) /15 min Linear Gradient
 Flow rate   :1.0 mL/min
 Column temperature :40°C
 Detection   :SPD-10AVP at 280 nm & RF-10AXL Ex at 275 nm, Em at 365 nm  · Fully integrated system with all necessary HPLC components in a space-saving design
                                      · Touch-screen LCD display
                                      · Increased column oven capacity – Store up to three 300 mm LC columns.
                                      · Optional column switching – Choose the analysis flow path with convenient software control.
                                      · Sample pretreatment – Automate sample dilution and reagent/internal standard addition.
                                      · Optional add-on detectors – Add a refractive index or fluorescence detector.
                                      · Enhanced quantitative performance – Achieve wider linear range and repeatability for the smallest
                 Prominence-i           injected volumes of 1 µL or less.

                                      · Ability for method transfer between standard HPLC and UHPLC (as low as 2 µm particle size columns)
                                      · Method scouting - Switch between 8 mobile phases, 6 columns for up to 96 method combinations.
                                      · Increased throughput – Maximize sample throughput with precision, high-speed injections.
                                      · Your choice of detection – UV-Vis, Photodiode Array, Refractive Index, Fluorescence, Conductivity, etc.
                                      · Large capacity oven – Can hold up to 300 mm columns, 2 flow control valves, 2 manual injections, and
                                        a gradient mixer.
                  Nexera XR

                                      · Nexera X2 covers a broad range of UHPLC application demands
                                      · Precision-engineered UHPLC pumps for pulse-free solvent delivery at up to 130 MPa
                                      · Automated solvent preparation – solvent selection, solvent blending, and gradient elution in one system
                                      · Enhanced autosampler rinsing functions – up to 4 different rinsing solutions
                                      · Large sample capacity – can hold up to 324 1.5 mL vials at a time and is expandable with a rack changer
                                      · Column oven with Intelligent heat distribution

                  Nexera X2
 Chromatograms of a Mixture of Nine Antioxidant Standards by Gradient Elution (25 mg/L of each component, 10 µL injected)
 Left: SPD-10Avp at 280 nm
 Right: RF-10AxL; Ex at 275 nm, Em at 365 nm
                                      · Outstanding baseline stability
                                      · Solvent delivery performance designed for repeatability
                                      · Auto-validation feature is useful for IQ/OQ procedures
                                      · Easily creates GPC calibration curves using a visual interface
                                      · Post-run analysis using a variety of GPC data analysis functions helps determine data processing methods
                                      · Data comparison features simplify analysis of multiple-sample data
                                      · Customize the report layout
                 GPC System

 Reference: Application News L280A - Analysis of Phenolic Antioxidants in Food

                                          Solutions for Palm Oil Analysis Application Notebook
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