Page 13 - Food&Beverages Beer
P. 13

Water Characteristics  Troubleshooting your Brews

                    Ingredient Analysis – Hops Contamination

 Water makes up approximately 90% of beer ingredients. So it is   of these minerals should be added or removed before the   Hops provide the bitterness in beer. They originate from   classes of compounds, including organonitrogen, synthetic
 easy to understand why regional influence can have an effect   process begins. A good place to start on the determination of   compounds, such as isohumulones, which are part of a class of   pyrethroids, organochlorines, organophosphorus, and
 on beers. Regions where rain falls in rivers, lakes, streams and   mineral concentration are free reports from local municipalities.   compounds referred to as iso-alpha acids. Iso-α-acids, α-acids   carbamates, were analyzed in hops. Samples were prepared by
 ultimately reservoirs with impermeable hard rock will likely   If the quality of water is not suitable, then some filtration may   and β-Acids were discussed in more detail under the section of   the QuEChERS method before introduction into a GCMS-TQ8040
 produce soft water with low dissolved salts. On the other end of   be required. Hard water has high concentrations of calcium and   “Top Beer Analyses – Hop Degradation Analysis – Alpha Acids,”   triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Shown are two examples
 the spectrum are areas with permeable rock such as limestone   magnesium carbonates. Other carbonate ions that affect beer   page 11.   of pesticides at a 1 ppb level. The pesticides include the toxic
 (calcium carbonate) and gypsum (calcium sulfate), which will   flavor are sodium, chloride, and sulfate. These can all be   Organic compound contaminates such as pesticides are a major   herbicide Terbuthylazine and the insecticide Lindane, a known
 accumulate many minerals on to the way to the reservoir.   analyzed by ion chromatography.   concern due to their potential for causing health-related   carcinogen and neurotoxin.
 Examples of regions known for specific beers include pales ales   The analysis of fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), nitrite   illnesses. In a recent communication*, 34 pesticides from five
 of Burton, England, where water has higher levels of gypsum;   (NO2), nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4), and sulfate (SO4) can be
 porters, associated with another part of England, more   performed according to USEPA method 300.1*. Shown below is
 specifically London; hard water stouts such as Guinness contain   the analysis of carbonates and phosphate (PO4)*. Analysis of   Terbuthylazine  Lindane
                      (x100)                                             (x100)
 vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B and probiotics, and   ammonia (NH4) can be found in the same application note*.   8.0  1.75
 are identified with Dublin, Ireland; and pilsners, a blond lager   Also, note that calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium   7.0  1 ppb  1.50  1 ppb
 connected with soft water from the Pilsner Urquell Brewery,   can be analyzed by AA, ICP, and ICP-MS as discussed in the   6.0
 Czech Republic.   section “Troubling Shooting your Beers – Inorganic Water   5.0  1.00
 Since water for different cities or municipalities has different   Contamination,” page 16.   4.0  0.75
 characteristics, it is up to the brewmaster to determine if some   3.0  0.50
 uS/cm  Max Intensity : 36,918  8.2  8.3  8.4  8.5  8.6  8.7  8.8  8.9  9.0  9.1  8.2  8.3  8.4  8.5  8.6  8.7  8.8  8.9  9.0  9.1
 Detector A  F  Time  15.292  Inten.   -0.125
 35                           Overlaid MRM chromatograms for two pesticides at 1-ppb in hops by GCMS-TQ8040 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
                         As 193nm
 20                  0.250
 15                  0.200
 10                  0.150  4 ppb Spike
 Br  NO3  SO4
 5  PO4              0.100
 0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  25.0  27.5  30.0  32.5  min  Sample
 Ion chromatography analysis of drinking water according to USEPA 300.1*
                         0.0  2.5
                    Analysis of hops at 4 ppb arsenic (As) by AA-7000  Shimadzu GCMS-TQ8040 Triple Quadrupole Gas Chromatograph
                                                                       Mass Spectrometer
 mV  Max Intensity : 179,524
 175  Time  23.498  Inten.   181.516
 125  Phosphate     Before hops can be used they should be checked for inorganic and organic contaminates. The inorganic contaminates can come
 100                from the plants absorbing heavy metals, such as Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg) and Lead (Pb), from the soils. Shown here
 75  Bicarbonate
 50                 is an example of arsenic analysis at four parts per billion in hops# measured by an AA-7000 atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
 0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  25.0
 Ion chromatography analysis of phosphate and bicarbonates*

 *Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, SSI-LC-06-2015: “Ion Chromatography Guide”
                    * Pittcon 2015 Presentation: “Screening Medical Marijuana for Pesticides by GC-MS/MS” where hops were used in place of marijuana.
 Ion Chromatography System  #  Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Application News No. AA-004: “Analysis of “The Big Four” Heavy Metals in Hops by Electrothermal Atomization and Cold Vapor

                                                               Shimadzu’s Total Support for Beer Analysis
 12                                                                                                  Analytical and Testing Instruments for Beer  13
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