Page 5 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue3
P. 5

Insight from a customer

            During my visit to Russia, there was also a Shimadzu fair taking place   The goal is to understand the fatigue performance and failure
            where I presented my results obtained in industrial research projects  mechanisms with the help of new measurement techniques on the
            carried out using Shimadzu systems (Picture 3).    basis of a small number of tests, to support industry in optimizing
                                                               their process chain parameters regarding optimized component
            From the current year, I’m acting as a Visiting Professor at FEFU   properties. The desired local component property should be reached
            University. Besides the presentation of a fatigue course, an exchange   on the basis of a well-understood structure-property relationship.
            of PhD students was agreed upon. The first PhD candidate from FEFU   Besides, the determination of the influence of corrosion on the fatigue
            visited WPT in December, 2013 for experimental investigations   properties and corrosion fatigue properties as well as corrosion
            concerning the fatigue performance of glass-metal composites.   prevention procedures are a further central research topic at WPT.

            In the meantime I visited many colleagues working together with
            Shimadzu in Germany and Europe. In January, 2014, I was invited for   How are our instruments helping you?
            a Shimadzu International Sales Meeting to illustrate the basics of
            fatigue and lifetime prediction to sales representatives.
                                                               Prof. Walther:
            As I know from many projects, fatigue assessment is much more than   The instruments and the installed, Shimadzu as well as self-developed,
            collecting conventional Woehler lines, as especially industrial   softwares build the fundamental basis for experimental investigations
            companies look for new time- and cost-effective testing approaches.   (Picture 4). From WPT staff and many student workers, I know that
            WPT has patented the so-called “Rapid Fatigue Performance   especially the autograph software is very customized and
            Identification Method (RAPID)” which works successfully for all   self-explanatory. Excellent hardware and software quality are
            investigated metals as well as polymer- and wood-based composites.  important criteria for the successful use of instruments to reach
            The idea of RAPID is to estimate fatigue characteristics in short time   precise results in research and industry projects with minimum efforts.
            for process-oriented manufacturing. RAPID allows to calculate the
            Woehler line on the basis of one multiple step test and two single step   Shimadzu:
            tests. The basics are presented in Walther, 2014, see below.
                                                               What are Shimadzu’s strengths compared to other competitor
                                                               companies (not limited to the instruments) ?

                                                               Prof. Walther:
                                                               One of the Shimadzu strengths is to have a complete range of testing
                                                               systems required for optimized investigations in research and industry.
                                                               Besides the quality and capability of testing devices, I appreciate the
                                                               close relationship to Shimadzu Europa headquarter. The European
                                                               testing material team understands the demands of research institutes
                                                               and supports us in a proper way. So we quickly learned that Shimadzu
                                                               is treating their customers not only as a client, but as real partners. I
                                                               am also deeply impressed about the high professional skills of the
                                                               support team and the service engineers. The network serves as an
                                                               ideal platform for information exchange and user discussions, also in
             Picture 3: Prof. Walther (fifth from the right), Prof. Pogodaev   the sense of new developments together with customers. Being
                             (fourth from the right) and Shimadzu staff at   comprehensive and communicative to its customers is the core
                                                               competitive asset of Shimadzu.
                             Shimadzu fair, Vladivostok, Russia
            Shimadzu:                                          Finally, could you share any requests that you have with respect to
            Why are you interested in this research? What is the goal?  analytical and measuring instrument vendors?
                                                               Prof. Walther:
            Prof. Walther:                                     Actually, everybody in the fatigue community speaks about Very High
            Mechanical properties are combined with microstructure or   Cycle Fatigue. In this year there is the 6  International Conference on
            microstructural changes due to production process and in-service   Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF6) in Chengdu, China. I was very
            loading. In this sense, microstructure could be understood as a  surprised when I heard that Shimadzu has a USF-2000 device in its
            fingerprint of the component properties and new non-destructive   portfolio. I am sure that this is not well-known in Germany, so
            measuring techniques allow to describe the relation between   marketing efforts and representation at prestigious conferences
            microstructure and properties.                     should be increased.

            During my PhD, I worked on the fatigue assessment of ICE train   In case of lightweight alloys, the crash behavior is mandatory for
            wheels, as there was the Eschede (Germany) accident in 1998. My   industrial applications. Due to CE reasons, the HITS system, which I
            research topics are: quenched and tempered high strength steels for  used in Kyoto for tests up to 20 m/s with a force up to 10 kN is
            highly loaded parts, stainless steels for chemical plants, cast irons,   unfortunately not available in German market.
            lightweight metals as aluminium, magnesium and titanium, and
            recently carbon-fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) and wood-based  I would recommend Shimadzu to proceed in the same way regarding
            composites like vulcanized fiber. Additionally, joining techniques like   quality of products and qualification of engineers, but to transfer
            friction-stir welding, brazing and bonding are investigated.  more systems from Japan to Germany and increase marketing,
                                                               especially for instruments needed in current research topics, and

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