Page 3 - Shimadzu Xctal 5000
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A Single Scan Obtains Three Types of Images:
Absorption, Dark-field, and Phase Images
A new scanning method has been adopted that can detect phase shifts from X-ray interference using a diffraction grating.
The Xctal 5000 is a new X-ray CT system that creates images of X-ray phase shifts.
In addition to the X-ray absorption information detected by conventional X-ray CT systems, this Sample
system can detect X-ray scattering and refraction information. This enables observations of fine
structure across a wide field of view, and high-contrast observations of samples with no
X-ray generator
absorption differences.
This is useful for research and development of fiber reinforced resins, composite materials, and Xctal 5000
biomaterials, which are advancing through research.
Rotating stage
Absorption Images
Absorption images visualize X-ray absorption differences, which are also detected by
conventional X-ray systems.
This enables detailed observations of shapes within the sample.
2D projection image
New New
Technology Technology
Dark-field Phase
Image Images
2D projection image 2D projection image
(Dark) (Phase)
Both Wide Field of View and Dual Observation Method for
Detailed Structural Observations Absorption and Phase
Dark-field Images visualize dispersion by fine structure. Phase images visualize density differences.
Fine cracks can be detected with a field of view up to The system is capable of high-contrast observations of
100 mm in size. In addition, the system is equipped samples with no absorption differences, including
with a fiber orientation analysis function, enabling resin products made of different materials.
observations of fiber flow over a wide field of view.