Page 7 - Shimadzu TOC-4200
P. 7

Diverse Applications

 Measurement speed is the key feature of combustion catalytic oxidation TOC analyzers.
 This characteristic can be exploited to support a diverse range of applications.

 ˙ Wastewater treatment plant influent (upstream monitoring) and effluent   Example of Installation for Upstream Monitoring

 • Measurements at a short measuring cycle (4 minutes minimum) rapidly capture
 dramatic changes in organic matter or abnormal effluent.
 • The powerful oxidation capacity of a combustion-type analyzer can detect organic   Plant A
                                                      TOC (2)                   TOC (1)
 matter that cannot be captured using a UV meter.
 • The short measuring cycle and powerful oxidation, combined with switching between
 up to six flow lines, offer detailed monitoring of treatment plants.   Plant B

 ˙ Monitoring of river water sampled at water purification plants and   Plant C  Treatment       Effluent
                                                      TOC (3)      plant
 treated water (tap water)
 • Monitoring changes in river water quality due to rainfall and other factors to provide
 control indicators for the treatment processes   Cooling water
 • Permits simultaneous monitoring of treated tap water.

 ˙ Supports monitoring TOC removal rate based on EPA Regulations.   TOC (1)  Prevents water pollution accidents through rapid detection of abnormal effluent.
               TOC (2)  Identifies the source of abnormal effluent to accelerate identification of the cause and prevention of recurrence (three-flow-line switching).
 • Calculates TOC removal rate based on the U.S.A EPA regulations (Part IV 40 CFR Part 9,   TOC (3)  Monitoring of effluent not from the treatment plant
 141 and 142, 1998). (*1)
                   Process A                   TOC (1)  TOC/TN (2)       TOC/TN (3)           water body
                                                                                              (river, ocean)
 ˙ Total pollutant load control regulation applications (organic pollution load)

 • Converting the measured TOC values allows applications to COD total volume control. (*2)  Process B
  TOC → COD conversion functions are installed as standard.
 • Reading flow rate signals from a flow meter (*1) permits COD load conversion calculations.
                   Process C                             Water                   Flow           Effluent
                                                        treatment                meter
 ˙ Plant water                                                           TOC (5)
 (washing water, cooling water, recovered water, boiler water, condensate,
                     Cooling water                   TOC (4)
                      Rainwater                                                     Water
 • Continuous monitoring of water used in a plant
                                                                                purification plant
 • Continuous monitoring of pure boiler water assists in the detection of anomalies, such
                                                                                      Tap water
 as damaged pipes.
 • The short measuring cycle (4 minutes minimum) of the combustion-type TOC analyzer   TOC (1)  Monitoring of TOC values discharged from each process (three-flow-line switching)
               TOC (2)  Monitoring of inflow and outflow of water treatment plant (two-flow-line switching). Optimization control of treatment performance
 achieves more rapid detection of anomalies.   (amount of aeration, etc.) at the water treatment plant
               TOC (3)  Monitoring of all effluent discharged from the enterprise. Load conversion calculations using flow rate signals input from a flow meter
               TOC (4)  Monitoring of abnormal values for cooling water and rainwater. Monitoring for abnormalities in the pipe system (two-flow-line switching)
               TOC (5)  Monitoring of water taken in the water purification plant. Monitoring for abnormalities in the tap water
 *1 Optional
 *2 The TOC-COD conversion formula must be determined separately.
                                                                                                Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
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