Page 5 - Shimadzu TOC-4200
P. 5

Support for a Wide Range of Samples

 The most important demand for on-line TOC analyzers is stable operation.
 The TOC-4200 incorporates Shimadzu’s accumulated technical expertise to provide stable operation
 across all scenarios from pure water to heavily polluted water.

 ˙ Range of sampling units to match a sample’s characteristics   Flow Line Diagrams

 • Sampling units are available for applications from pure water to heavily polluted water.
 • Reduces instrument maintenance frequency.
                TC NPOC
 • Switch between measurement points for up to six flow lines. More economical since the need for multiple
                  Multi Stream   (Note 1)
 instruments is eliminated   Suspended Solids
                 Sampling Unit
                                                       Dilution water
 ˙ Measurement ranges from 5 mgC/L full-scale to 20,000 mgC/L full-scale
 An option can be attached to support high sensitivity measurements to 1 mgC/L full-scale.   TC NPOC    (Note 2)
                               Acid  Standard                     Recording section
 • TOC measurement by acidify and sparge TOC also know as non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) NPOC  solution  Recorder or printer
                                                                                            USB memory stick
 • TOC determination by difference between total carbon (TC) and inorganic carbon (IC)  Homogenizer  On-line sample
                                                      Sample injector
 TOC = TC - IC (requires option) TC IC                             LCD                      Transmission output
                               sample                                        Data
 • TOC determination by addition method of NPOC and purgeable organic carbon (POC)  Keyboard  processor  Contact point output
 TOC = NPOC + POC (requires option) NPOC POC  Gas purifier,  Combustion tube                Contact point input
               Compressed air inlet  flow rate          Furnace
 • Support for 1 mgC/L full-scale high sensitivity measurements (optional) TC NPOC  controller  Dehumidifier,
                                                                 gas treatment  NDIR detector
 • Dilution function installed as standard. Supports up to 50x dilution.    Sample pretreatment  section
                                       /injection system
                   Drain outlet
 ˙ TN measurement option
 Adding the TN measurement option permits total nitrogen (TN) measurements
 (catalytic thermal decomposition – chemiluminescence detection).  TN
 Permits measurements from 1 mgN/L full-scale to 10,000 mgN/L full-scale.
                TC NPOC TN
                  Multi Stream   (Note 1)
 ˙ Reliable sample injection system  Suspended Solids
                 Sampling Unit                         Dilution water
 • A single unit performs sample intake, discharge, dilution and injection.   Sample
 • Automated sample acidification and sparging.
 • Highly reliable ceramic 8-port valve used to switch flow lines   Recording section
                                                                        (Note 2)
                               Acid  Standard                   Recorder or printer
                                   solution                                                   USB memory stick
                               On-line sample
                    Homogenizer                       Sample injector
 Acid  Dilution water (also for rinsing)                          LCD                         Transmission output
 Standard solution  Exhaust    Off-line                         Keyboard  processor           Contact point output
 for span calibration  (or IC/POC measurement)  sample                                        Contact point input
 Off-line sample  Combustion tube  Gas purifier,      Combustion tube
 (or on-line sample)  Compressed air inlet  electronic                 Chemiluminescence  Deactivator  Exhaust
                                                                         gas analyzer
 On-line sample inlet  Drain  flow rate                 Furnace
                                      Sample pretreatment      Dehumidifier,
                                       /injection system       gas treatment  NDIR detector
                   Drain outlet                                  section
 Sparge gas
               Note 1)  For the sampling section, select the multi-stream suspended solids sampling unit, the single stream suspended solids sampling unit, the
                    backwash strainer sampling unit or the sample stream kit (option).
               Note 2)  For the recording section, select either the recorder or the printer (options).

                                                                                                Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
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