Page 14 - Shimadzu TOC-4200
P. 14

Specifications                                                                                                     Specifications

                                                                                                                                        ˙ IC Measurement Option
                            Item                                      Description                                                               Item                                      Description
                                       TC, NPOC                                                                                           Measurement Item  IC (inorganic carbon)
                      Measurement Items
                                       Optional: IC, POC, TOC (= TC-IC, = NPOC + POC), TN
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Principle  Sparging / CO2 removal / non-dispersive infrared gas detection (NDIR) method
                      Measurement Principle  680 °C combustion catalytic oxidation - NDIR detection method                                Measurement Range  0 to 100 mgC/L f.s. (up to 5,000 mgC/L f.s. with dilution function)
                      Measurement Range  From 0 – 5 to 0 – 1,000 mgC/L f.s. (0 to 20,000 mgC/L f.s. with dilution function)               Repeatability   Within ±2 % f.s.
                      Repeatability    Within ±2 % f.s. * 1                                                                             ˙ IC-POC Measurement Option * 1

                      Span Stability   Within ±2 % f.s./day (temperature variation within 5 °C) * 1                                             Item                                      Description
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Item  POC (purgeable organic carbon)
                      Zero Stability   Within ±2 % f.s./day (temperature variation within 5 °C) * 1
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Principle  Sparging / CO2 removal / 680 °C combustion oxidation / non-dispersive infrared gas detection (NDIR) method
                      Measurement Cycle  4 minutes min. (NPOC, residual IC 2 % max.) * 2                                                  CO2 Removal Method  Absorption and removal with lithium hydroxide crystals
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Range  0 to 50 mgC/L f.s. (up to 2,500 mgC/L f.s. with dilution function)
                      Sample Injection Method  Syringe pump/sliding injection port
                                                                                                                                          Repeatability   Within ±2 % f.s.
                      IC Removal Method  Acidify/sparge within syringe
                                                                                                                                        *1) IC (inorganic carbon) can also be measured. IC measurement performance is the same as that of IC measurement option.
                                       Dilution within syringe; dilution factor 2 to 50
                      Sample Dilution Function                                                                                          ˙ TN Option
                                       Dilution accuracy: Within ±2 % (×2 to ×20); within ±5 % (×21 to ×50)* 4
                                                                                                                                                Item                                      Description
                                       Automatic calibration using standard solution (Dilution water is used as the zero standard solution for zero-calibration.)
                      Auto-calibration Function
                                       Options can be attached to use up to eight standard solutions and to permit automatic calibration with up to a 5-point multi-point calibration curve.  Measurement Item  TN (total nitrogen)
                      Stream Switching Function  Permits switching of between 1 and 6 flow lines (optional).                              Measurement Principle  720 °C thermal decomposition / chemiluminescence detection
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Range  From 0 – 1 to 0 – 200 mgN/L f.s. (up to 0 – 10,000 mgN/L f.s. with dilution function)
                      Display / Operation  Color LCD with touch screen
                                                                                                                                          Repeatability   Range up to 4 mgN/L f.s.: Within ±4 % f.s.      Range above 4 mgN/L f.s.: Within ±2 % f.s.
                      Conversion Function  Conversion with a linear expression using required indices (Conversion expression must be determined in advance.)  Analysis Cycle  4 minutes min. * 1
                                       Using the analog input board (option) permits load calculations.                                 *1) When the sample is ammonium sulfate and preliminary sampling is performed for next measurement
                      Load Calculation Function
                                       (Isolated analog inputs (CH-CH is non-isolated.); load resistance: 100  )
                                                                                                                                        ˙ N 2 Carrier Gas Kit
                      EPA TOC Removal Rate   TOC removal rate calculation according to the United States EPA regulations (Part IV 40 CFR Part 9, 141 and 142, 1998)
                      Calculation Function  (when a 2- or more-stream switching option is provided)                                             Item                                      Description
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Item  TC, NPOC      With attached option: IC, POC, TOC (= TC-IC, = NPOC + POC)  * TN cannot be measured
                                       Store 20,000 past on-line measured values (equivalent to one year’s data at a 30-minute measuring cycle).
                      Data Storage Function
                                       Offers trend graph displays.                                                                       Measurement Range  0 to 1,000 mgC/L f.s. (up to 20,000 mgC/L f.s. with dilution function)
                                       Store measured values or measurement conditions to USB memory.                                     Supply Gas      High-purity nitrogen gas (CO, CO2, and HC are all below 1 ppm.)
                      Data Storage Device
                                       (USB 1.1 or 2.0 USB memory; FAT16 or FAT32; no encryption)
                                                                                                                                        ˙ High Sensitivity Measurement Option
                      Recorder         Recording width 100 mm, 6-dot recorder (optional)
                                                                                                                                                Item                                      Description
                      Printer          Thermal printer, 40 characters per line; 110 mm chart width (optional)
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Item  TC, NPOC      * IC/POC/TN cannot be measured
                                       Selectable between 4 – 20 mA DC or 0 – 16 mA DC (isolated outputs)
                      Analog Output                                                                                                       Measurement Range  0 to 1 mgC/L f.s.
                                       With attached option: Up to 12 outputs (load resistance: 500   max.)
                                                                                                                                          Repeatability   Within ±2 % f.s.
                                       Alarm signals   Major failure, instrument alarm, power cut, CPU alarm, concentration alarm (upper limit/lower limit/upper upper limit/lower lower limit),
                                               measurement halted                                                                         Supply Gas      High-purity air
                      Contact Output Signal  Event signals   Maintenance, measurement ready, on-line operation, measuring sample, calibrating, regenerating catalyst, measuring control sample,
                                               interrupt sample measurement, halted, analog output trigger, analog output flow line recognition signal,
                                               measured flow line recognition signal, sampling pump control output                      ˙ N 2 Carrier High Sensitivity Measurement Option
                                               (contact capacity: 2 A, 30 V DC / 2 A, 250 V AC; non-inductive load)
                                                                                                                                                Item                                      Description
                      Contact Input    Start calibration, stop measurement, start on-line measurement, reset alarm, measurement start flow line 1 to 6, halt measurement   Measurement Item  TC, NPOC      * IC/POC/TN cannot be measured
                                       (output contact capacity: 24 V DC min., 10 mA min.)
                                                                                                                                          Measurement Range  0 to 1 mgC/L f.s.
                                       Compatible with RS-485, RS-232C (option), and Modbus
                      Communications Functions
                                       Use the optional Web monitoring unit set to browse measured values and alarms on a Web browser over a network.  Repeatability  Within ±2 % f.s.
                                       Pressurized air, high-purity air, oxygen* 3 ; supply pressure: 250 to 300 kPa                      Supply Gas      High-purity air (CO, CO2, and HC are all below 1 ppm.)
                      Carrier Gas
                                       Optional: High-purity nitrogen* 3
                                                                                                                                        ˙ High-Salt Sample Combustion Tube Kit *  *  * 3
                      Power Supply     AC 100 to 240 V ± 10%, 10 A, 50/60 Hz
                                                                                                                                                Item                                      Description
                      Ambient Temperature  Within 1 to 40 °C
                                                                                                                                          Measurement     TC, NPOC: 0 to 20,000 mgC/L (dilution performed for measurement exceeding 1,000 mgC/L)
                                                                                                                                          Concentration Range  TN: 0 to 500 mgN/L (dilution performed for measurement exceeding 10 mgN/L)
                      Construction     Indoor wall mounting (optional stand available)
                                                                                                                                                          TC, NPOC: Within 3 %* 4
                      Dimensions       W550 × D383 × H1240 mm (excluding protrusions)                                                                     TN: Range up to 4 mgN/L f.s.: Within  ±4 % f.s.; Range above 4 mgN/L f.s.: Within  ±2 % f.s.
                                                                                                                                        *1) Salt concentration in sample is approximately 3 % (not guaranteed).
                      Weight           Approx. 70 kg                                                                                    *2) Permits approximately 2,500 measurements when injecting 40 µL seawater (not guaranteed).
                                                                                                                                        *3) Use sulfuric acid as the acid. For TN measurements, spike the sample with sulfuric acid.
                     *1) When potassium hydrogen phthalate solution is measured by automatic settings. Measurements of actual samples may exceed the stated specifications.   *4) Note that the specifications may not be met when the sample concentration below 1 mg/L after dilution.
                     *2) When measured sample is potassium hydrogen phthalate solution and operations to prepare for the next measurement are performed.
                     *3) If TN option is installed, oxygen and high-purity nitorogen cannot be used.
                     *4) Use high sensitivity measurement option when the diluted sample is below 1 mg/L.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
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