Page 3 - Shimadzu Nexera Mikros
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M i cr o:  I m p   r o v e   d  D e   t e   c   t i o n  L i m i t   s  w i t h  M i c r o f l o w

 A b o v e a n d B e y o n d N a n o  Nexera  Mikros ™  Micro -flow  LC /MS  System

            LC/MS/MS methods are now widely recognized as gold standard for the accurate quantitation of small molecules in biological fluids and results more suitable
            and reliable compared to immunoassay based approaches. For metabolites in biological fluids, the concentration level of the target component is often low,
            therefore more sensitive analysis is required than semimicro-flow LC/MS analysis, which is superior in analytical throughput, stability and robustness. Generally,
            in LC/MS analysis, improvement of sensitivity can be expected by reducing the analytical scale which is defined by the total flow rate and column size. On the
            other hand, by reducing the analytical scale to nano-flow, a well skilled analysts who have special technics in nano-flow analysis is required, and throughput,
            stability and robustness are reduced by trade-offs. LC/MS analysis on a micro-flow scale using 0.1 to 1 mm I.D. column with 1 to several  L/min has the
            excellent balance of sensitivity, throughput, and robustness. Nexera Mikros, a Shimadzu microflow LC/MS system provide the stable and sensitive quantitative
            analysis by not only improved sensitivity through stable performance of micro-flow solvent delivery and optimized ion source design, but also utilization of the
 The High Sensitivity You Expect from a Low Flow   unique UF-Link column connection and system variety that support a wide range of applications.

 System with the Ruggedness of HPLC Covering the  High  Sensitivit  y  Analysis or  the  Bioanalysis
 Complete Range from Micro to Semi-Micro  While the results of quantification of vitamin D metabolites using LC/MS/MS are more reliable than other methods, in metabolite measurement, the vitamin D
            is lack of easily ionizable functional groups and pose assay sensitivity challenges mainly for quantification of low-abundance metabolites such as 1,25(OH) 2
            di-hydroxyvitamin D and 24,25(OH) 2  di-hydroxyvitamin D. To overcome this sensitivity problem, It is effective to perform analysis with micro-flow LC/MS/MS.
            The comparison between micro-flow LC/MS/MS and semimicro-flow LC/MS/MS for the analysis of standard solutions of Vitamin D metabolites shown a 3 to 5
            fold improvement in the ratios of signal/noise.

                      5 µL/min                225 µL/min                  5 µL/min                 225 µL/min
            30000                    30000                       30000                    30000
                 411.35 > 105.15 (+)      411.35 > 105.15 (+)         399.35 > 91.15 (+)       399.35 > 91.15 (+)
                                                                               1,25(OH) 2
                        1,25(OH) 2                                             Vitamin D 3
                        Vitamin D 2
            20000                    20000                       20000                    20000

                                  ×6                                   24,25(OH) 2    ×4
            10000                    10000                       10000  Vitamin D 3       10000
                                              1,25(OH) 2                                              1,25(OH) 2
                                                                                      ×3       Vitamin D 3
                                              Vitamin D 2                                      24,25(OH) 2  Vitamin D 3
               0                        0                           0                        0
               17   18  19  20  min     17  18   19  20  min        16  17  18  19  min      16  17   18  19  min

            The micro-flow LC/MS/MS system resulted effective in providing better signal intensity also for the quantitation of antiarrhythmic agents that are usually
            monitored in plasma, due to their narrow therapeutic window and inter individual variability. The increase of the sensitivity when using micro-flow rates was 5
            fold for Verapamil and 4 fold for Nor-Verapamil in the ratios of signal/noise.

                      5 µL/min                225 µL/min                  5 µL/min                 225 µL/min
                 455.10 > 303.30 (+)      455.10 > 303.30 (+)         440.95 > 165.00 (+)      440.95 > 165.00 (+)
            30000     Verapamil      30000
                                                                800000   Nor-verapamil   800000

            20000                    20000                      600000                   600000
                                 ×5                                                   ×4
                                                                400000                   400000
            10000                    10000   Verapamil                                           Nor-verapamil
                                                                200000                   200000

               0                        0                           0                        0
               3.5  4.0  4.5  5.0  min    2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5 min    3.5  4.0  4.5  5.0  min    2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5 min

                                                                                            Nexera Mikros
                                                                                     Microflow Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry System  3
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8