Page 8 - Shimadzu MALDImini-1
P. 8

Speci cations                                                                                              MALDImini-1
             Mass range      m/z 650 to 70000
             MS/MS mass range  m/z 350 to 5000
             Separation ability  ʼ4000 (FWHMɺ[Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B m/z 1570.68, scanning speed 1000 Da/s)
                             1 fmol ([Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B m/z 1570.68)
             Sensitivity (MS)
                             500 fmol (BSA m/z 66431)
             Sensitivity (MS/MS)  10 fmol ([Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B m/z 1570.68)
             Mass accuracy   ʻ200 ppm (external standard, m/z 1000 to 5000)
             MS n            1 ʽ n ʽ 3
             Laser           Medium: Nd:YLF, wavelength: 349 nm
             Sample plate    FlexiMass-SR, FlexiMass-DS, size: 26 × 76 mm
                             Data storage: Database format in SQLite
                             Exported  le format: mzML, mzXML
             Dimensions      309 (W) × 320 (H) × 385 (D) mm
             Weight          25 kg

             Installation requirements
                       Power    AC 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 960 VA
                       Gas      Ar, He (99+%, 40 to 60 kPa)
                       Temp.    18 to 26 °C
                       Humidity  40 to 70 % (without condensation)

             Installation example

             Front view:                     Top view:
                                                                268 mm

                                        320 mm                          385 mm

                                                                 309 mm

            MALDImini, eMSTAT Solution and FlexiMass are trademarks of Shimadzu Corporation.
            MASCOT is a registered trademark of Matrix Science Ltd.
            SimGlycan is a trademark of PREMIER Biosoft International.

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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                                                                                                   © Shimadzu Corporation, 2020
                                                                                   First Edition: May 2019, Printed in Japan 3655-00000-000IK
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