Page 5 - Shimadzu MALDImini-1
P. 5

“Minimum” sample volume

            MS  analysis is possible over a wide mass range, even with microquantity samples

            By combining a MALDI ion source with Digital Ion Trap (DIT) technology, it is possible to carry out high-sensitivity MS and MS  analysis even on
            micro-quantity samples. Not only can the mass of various molecules be checked, but it is also possible to carry out a wide range of analyses such
            as identifying proteins and investigating the structure of glycans and glycopeptides.

               Identifying protein digests

            By carrying out MS and MS/MS measurements on protein digests, it is possible to determine the identity of a protein.
                                                                        MASCOT  MS/MS Ions Search
                            Mass spectrum

                       MS/MS @ m/z 1479      MS/MS @ m/z 2045

                       MS/MS @ m/z 1567         Sample volume: 500 fmol/spot
                                                MS measurement conditions: m/z 650-5000, scan speed 4000 Da/s
                                                MS/MS measurement conditions: default

               Investigating glycopeptide structure
            Through MS, MS/MS and MS  measurements of synthetic O-linked glycopeptides, the glycan sequence can be found from MS/MS data and

            the amino acid sequence of the peptide backbone can be found from MS  data.


                                                Glycan sequence

                               MS 3
                               Peptide backbone

                                 R    T  D   P  A  S  T  V  G    H  A
                                                                                : Deoxyhexose
                                                                                : Hexose
                                                                                : N-acetylhexosamine
                              Sample volume: 50 pmol/spot
                              MS measurement conditions: mass range m/z 650-5000, scan speed 4000 Da/s
                              MS/MS and MS 3  measurement conditions: default

                                                                              Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Digital Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer  5
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