Page 7 - Shimadzu Lightway
P. 7

Measuring Photon Count Accurately  Applications

 Previously, a chemical actinometer was required to calculate the number of irradiated photons,   Various applications using the system are described below.
 but there were concerns about variability caused by the chemical actinometer adjustment   (Measured by: Associate Professor Yusuke Tamaki of the Department
 process. The Lightway  system uses a power meter to calibrate the number of irradiated   of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo
 photons and make corrections based on spectral shape prior to measuring, which prevents
 variability caused by differences in skill levels.   Institute of Technology)
       It also features a stable and long-lasting LED irradiation light source.

 Using an LED irradiation light source means reliable measurements can be obtained   Using a Ru-Re Supramolecular Complex Photocatalyst to Measure
 over long periods.
                                 Photoreaction Quantum Yield of CO2 Reduction Reaction
            ●Measuring Photoreaction Quantum Yield
 Intensity decreases  A Ru-Re supramolecular complex photocatalyst (Fig. 1) was used to measure the quantum yield of a carbon dioxide reduction
 during measurements.
 Relative Intensity  Recommended  Reliable measurements  reaction. The sample was irradiated with 17 × 10  einstein·s  of 470 nm light and then the absorption spectrum and number of
            photons absorbed were measured. Carbon monoxide generated from the reduction reaction was then quanti ed using a gas
            chromatograph. The graph in Fig. 2 correlating the quantity of carbon monoxide generated to the number of photons
 service life
            the given experiment.
 Replacement  absorbed was obtained. Since the reaction quantum yield corresponds to the slope in Fig. 2, a result of 40 % was obtained for
 Xenon lamp                                                              14
 0  1000  2000  3000  4000  5000
 Time  (hr.)                                                             12
 The  gure above illustrates one example of how light source intensity decreases over time. The red line indicates the intensity of an   n+  10  ФCO=40%
 LED irradiation light source, whereas the blue line indicates the intensity of a xenon lamp irradiation light source. It shows that the   / hv  CO/µmol  8
 LED irradiation light source offers high intensity for a longer time and the intensity decrease is more gradual than for the xenon lamp   λex  = 470 nm  -1  6
 irradiation light source.  CO2  (50 µM)  17×10  einstein・s  CO           4
                                in DMF-TEOA (5:1 v/v)                     0
 An optional LED irradiation light source is   The LED irradiation light source can be   BIH (0.1 M)  0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  1.50  19 1.75  2.00
 available.*  replaced easily.                                               Absorbed Photon Number/10
            Fig. 1 Diagram of Ru-Re Supramolecular Complex Photocatalyst Reaction  Fig. 2 Quantity of Carbon Monoxide Generated vs.
                                                                             Number of Photons Absorbed
 Remove base and LED lamp from main unit.
 365 nm  405 nm  460 nm  550 nm
            ●Measuring Intermediates
            An attempt was made to directly observe intermediates during the carbon dioxide photoreduction reaction of a Ru-Re supramolecu-
            lar complex photocatalyst (Fig. 1). Time-course changes in absorption spectra measured during the photocatalytic reaction are
 a.u.  0.6  shown in Fig. 3. Difference spectra with respect to the absorption spectrum measured at the start of measurement are shown in Fig.
            4. The new absorption observed near 550 nm in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 is due to the absorption spectra of intermediates. A comparison to
            previously reported data con rmed that the intermediates are one-electron reduced species from a photoelectron-transfer reaction
 0.2        of the Ru-Re supramolecular complex photocatalyst.
                         0.8                                                0.15
 300  350  400  450  500  550  600
                                                                                             Direction of
 Wavelength (nm)         0.6
                                                                             0.1             reaction
 * This product is manufactured by CELL System Co., Ltd. Therefore,
                       Absorbance  0.2  Direction of                        △Absorbance  0.05
    it must be purchased as an optional product.  0.4
                         400     500     600     700                          400    500     600     700
                                 Wavelength / nm                                     Wavelength / nm
                   Fig. 3 Ru-Re Supramolecular Complex Photocatalyst   Fig. 4 Ru-Re Supramolecular Complex Photocatalyst
 Install new LED lamp with base into the main unit.  Reaction Spectral Measurement Results  Reaction Difference Spectra Calculation Results

 6                                                                                            PQY-01 Photoreaction Evaluation System  7
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