Page 14 - Shimadzu LabSolutions IR
P. 14

More Benefits of LabSolutions IR

                                                                       Better operability thanks to a consistent graphical user
                      Tailored programs that are easy to run
                      LabSolutions IR comes with programs tailored to particular FTIR   All postrun analysis programs and measurement programs share a
                      analyses, including postrun analysis, spectrum measurement, and   consistent interface in terms of design and operational use,
                      quantitative measurement. These programs are easily accessible from a   employing a main toolbar, menu, measurement toolbar, tree view,
                      LabSolutions launcher, which can also be populated with   and log window. The same functional steps can be used to operate
                      frequently-used Windows applications and simple macro programs.  any of the tailored FTIR analysis programs.

                        Photometric measurement

                    The analysis of a spectrum at a particular wavenumber for absorbance,
                    transmittance, peak height, peak area, and peak ratio. These values can
                    be utilized along with various formulae, and to perform a variety of
                    calculations. Threshold values may also be chosen and a pass/fail
                    judgment made on them. These features are useful for calculating
                    saponification, response rate, component ratio, and the like.

                        Quantitative measurement

                    A calibration curve is calculated from peak height, peak area, and peak
                    ratio measurements taken from a spectrum of a sample of known
                    concentration. This calibration curve is then used to calculate the
                    concentration of samples of unknown concentration. The calculated
                    concentrations are then inserted into various formulae to perform further
                    calculations. Threshold values can also be chosen and a pass/fail judgment
                    made on them.

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