Page 13 - Shimadzu LabSolutions IR
P. 13

LabSolutions IR
                    PLS Quantitation program                        (P/N 206-74560-91)

                    PLS (partial least squares) quantitation is a chemometrics method that, like
                    multiple linear regression analysis, is widely used for the simultaneous
                    quantitation of multiple components. The PLS quantitation program incorporates
                    PLS I and PLS II methods. It is possible to display calculation values based on input
                    values. PLS factors are based on "PRESS" values, loading vectors, and score values.
                    Analysis can be performed on the regression equations obtained with the PLS

                    LabSolutions IR
                    Curve-Fitting (Peak-Splitting) program          (P/N 206-74561-91)

                    Usually, absorption bands in infrared spectra consist of overlapping peaks. The
                    curve-fitting (peak-splitting) program can be used to separate absorption bands
                    into individual peaks, separate peaks that have been influenced by hydrogen
                    bonding, and identify the peaks of functional groups that are hidden by
                    absorption bands. Six types of curves, such as Gaussian, Lorentzian, and
                    Gaussian+Lorentzian, are available for separation analysis.
                    The curve can be selected in accordance with the form of the peaks in the
                    absorption band. The separated component peaks are displayed together with the
                    resultant spectra, making it possible to accurately evaluate the separation.

                    LabSolutions IR
                    3D processing program                           (P/N 206-74563-91)

                    The 3D processing program offers the following functionality
                     Changes the method of displaying data
                      · Data can be displayed in bird's eye view (3D), as an intensity distribution or
                       using contour lines, as a spectral overlay, or rotated.
                     3D data processing
                      · Changes at specific wavenumbers can be isolated.
                      · Functions include data extraction, data points thinning, smoothing,
                       zero-baseline, background correction, normalization, log conversion, first- or
                       second-order derivative, and ATR correction.
                     Creation of 3D data from spectra
                      · Spectra measured at fixed intervals, such as by repeated measurements, can
                                                                                       * The 3D processing program cannot control mapping
                       be arranged consecutively to create 3D data.                       measurements or AIM-8800 series infrared microscopes.

                    LabSolutions IR
                    Macro platform                                                                       (P/N 206-74562-91)

                    The Macro Platform is required to run the customized macro   in a pre-determined order, or you wish to run an automatic
                    programs created by Shimadzu (for a fee). If, for example, you   measurement system in combination with an auto sample
                    wish to perform routine work in which certain functions are used   changer, please contact your SHIMADZU representative for details.

                                                                                                   LabSolutions IR
                                                                                                        Analytical Data System for FTIR  13
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