Page 7 - Shimadzu IRXross
P. 7

Built-in Analytical Intelligence  Program Specifically for Supporting

               Contaminant Analysis

               This program can accurately identify measured contaminants
               using Shimadzu’s proprietary algorithm (patent No. 5205918)
 Easy Navigation with IR Pilot  Ensures   in combination with a spectral library containing more than
               550 spectra for substances commonly detected as contami-
 Anyone Can Get Started Easily  nants. After analyzing the data, it automatically determines a
               pass/fail judgment and creates a report. Even for contami-
 A total of 23 macro application programs are included.   nants that are mixtures, the program searches possible
 Even operators unfamiliar with FTIR analysis can analyze   principal and secondary components and indicates the
 samples easily by simply selecting the purpose of   certainty level of each substance identified. Because the
 analysis and attachment used. There is no need to set   number of components in the mixture does not need to be
 parameters. Multiple samples can be analyzed with a   specified, even operators with minimal infrared analysis
 single click.  experience can easily analyze contaminants. It displays analysis
               results within a few seconds after selecting the spectrum.
 1 Click

               Library Useful for Identification Testing and Contaminant Analysis
 Selecting the purpose of analysis

               Approx. 12,000-spectra library
               A wide variety of libraries, including Shimadzu’s unique            Reagents    products,
                                                                Food additives library
               libraries, reagents, polymers and more, is included standard.                 agrichemicals
               Searching with standard libraries provides high-quality   SHIMADZU              Inorganic
               search results without purchasing extra libraries.  Contaminant library  Polymers  compounds

               Library Useful for Analyzing

               Contaminants and Microplastics (Optional)

               Plastic Analyzer method package
 Program Specifically for Supporting
               When analyzing a plastic, a library is used to qualify the
 Identification Testing  type of material. However, unlike the infrared spectra

               shape for standard samples, the spectra from plastics
 This program makes pass/fail judgments for test samples   that have been denatured (degraded) due to
 based on verification methods specified in pharmacopoeia   heat or ultraviolet rays can be difficult to
 and official methods specified in respective countries. In   qualify in some cases. With a plastic
 addition to identification tests for pharmaceuticals and   degradation library included, this
 food products, the program can be used for acceptance   product enables highly accurate
 and pre-shipment inspections. It calculates how much   qualitative analysis that takes into
 peak wavenumbers and the intensity ratio between   consideration the given degrada-
 peaks in test samples differ from the corresponding   tion status.
 values in standard samples and then makes pass/fail
 judgments. The results are printed as a report.

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