Page 5 - Shimadzu IRXross
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High-End Sensitivity for Countless Applications 55,000:1 S/N Enables Ultra-High-Sensitivity Measurements
Using the IRXross with a single-reflection ATR attachment, an oil stain on paper was analyzed. Analyzing the
sample directly without pretreatment would not result in good peaks, so n-hexane was applied to the stain area to
extract the stain substances. Then a drop of the extract solution was placed on the ATR prism for analysis. The
system is able to detect even the extremely weak 0.00023 absorbance signal with good sensitivity.
The IRXross is a mid-level FTIR model that achieves high-end level S/N. It enables best-in-class low noise with P-P
values of 55,000:1 for one minute of integration.
0.0004 2,920.23 cm -1
0.0003 2,850.79 cm -1
0.00023 Abs
Moving mirror
Beam splitter 0.0000
3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2700
cm -1
Fixed mirror
0.25 cm Resolution Enables
0.25 cm -1 resolution
High-Resolution Measurements Abs 0.5 cm -1 resolution
1.0 cm -1 resolution
N2O gas (500 ppm), considered an environmental
Astoundingly Low Noise problem as a greenhouse gas, was analyzed.
Measuring the gas at high resolution shows the
peaks near 2,230 cm properly separated, whereas
The 100 %T line was obtained by successively measuring the background and sample values without placing a
a resolution of 1.0 cm only shows the peaks as
sample in the sample compartment. Excluding the peaks for water vapor and carbon dioxide, the noise level (P-P
two levels. 2265 2255 2245 2235 2225 2215 2205 2195 2185 2175
value) was within ±0.005 %T, which shows that it can acquire data with low noise.
cm -1
%T 5.6 1680 1660
100.010 5.4 1640 1620 1600
± 0.005%T 102.5 1580
%T 5.2
High-Speed Measurement Enables 4.8
100.005 5.0
100.000 100.0
Faster Reaction Tracking 0.6
99.990 0.4
2200 2190 2180 2170 2160 2150 2140 2130 2120 2110 2100
cm -1 When tracking the curing reaction in UV curable
resin, the data shows that the intensity of the peak 0.2
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 cm -1 at 1,635 cm began decreasing 5.0 seconds after
UV irradiation and the reaction was finished by 5.5
IRXross 100 %T Line
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