Page 9 - Shimadzu ICPS-8100
P. 9

Analytical Operations

 Analytical Operations Performed and                                Top Grade ICP

 Instrument Controlled Easily by a PC

 All analytical and instrument control operations are performed by a   Instrument Start up  Qualitative Analysis of All Elements  High Accuracy Qualitative Analysis
 PC. Parameters for instrument control and analysis can also be
 easily changed.
 Each monochromator includes a dedicated control computer that
 allows confirming analytical conditions, checking calibration
 curves, or processing data and profiles from samples already
 measured, even while analyses are in progress. Respective
 processes can be performed without interrupting analyses, which
 can significantly shorten analysis times.
                  When the group is selected, the measurement
                  procedure is displayed.                                 When the group is selected, the measurement
                                                                          procedure is displayed.

 All operations can be performed via
 software windows, from igniting the
 torch and confirming the plasma
 status, to confirming the safety status
 or controlling the instrument.

                   Elements are selected                                              Simply select the elements
                   in advance.                                                        to be measured.


                   The qualitative analysis of all elements                        The high-accuracy qualitative analysis mode
                   mode analyzes 72 elements.                                      provides increased accuracy by measuring
                                                                                   multiple wavelengths for each element.

                                                                        Optimal measurement parameters are
                                                                        selected. Parameters can be set
                                                                        manually as well.

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