Page 7 - Shimadzu ICPS-8100
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System Contents and Application Fields

 Twin Sequential Monochromators   Provides Highly Accurate Analytical Results for

 Provide Higher Analytical Efficiency and  All Kinds of Fields, Such As the Detection of Ultra Trace

 Ensure Stability for Long Periods  Elements and Analysis of Chemical Compositions

 Twin spectrometer systems include two sequential monochromators   interior of the monochromator is not exposed to atmospheric   The Shimadzu ICPS-8100 High Frequency Sequential Plasma   development, analysis of important elements for production control,
 that can be used for a wide variety of analytical applications.   conditions.   Emission Spectrometer can be used wherever high accuracy and a   and analysis for environmental management, such as water quality
 The two monochromators can be controlled independently for   The vacuum monochromator enables high-precision analysis of   broad scope of analytical assessment is required, whether analyzing   control, which has a significant impact on our lives.
 efficient analysis of samples. The software automatically selects the   elements that have highly sensitive analysis lines in the vacuum   ultra trace elements or high concentrations in chemical composition
 optimal monochromator for the wavelength being measured and sets   ultraviolet region, such as P, S, B, I, Br, and Al.   analysis. Applications include elemental analysis for research and
 the various analytical conditions.   Since gas purging is not necessary, there is no contamination or
 Monochromator 1 is always kept under vacuum conditions. Since the   variability caused by purge gas convection and the stabilization time
 condensing lens can be cleaned while maintaining a vacuum, the   is short. Therefore, it enables stable analysis over long periods.   Metals, Semiconductors, and Ceramics  Petroleum, Chemistry, and Polymers
                    Metals                                                                   Petroleum
 Analytical Data    Semiconductors
 Wavelength Scanning Controller                                                              Oil
                    Minerals                                                                 Catalysts
 Negative High-Voltage                                                                       Chemical products
 Power Supply       Ceramics
 Monochromator 1
 Sensors  Optional          Medicine, Biology, and Food Products             Environment
 Internal Standard
 Safety Circuits  Monochromator  Optical Fiber
                    Blood                                                                    Drinking water
                    Organism                                                                 Seawater
 Vacuum System  Vacuum Pump  Exit Slit  Plants                                               River water
 Mirror             Pharmaceuticals                                                          Wastewater
                    Food products                                                            Soil
 High Frequency   Axial Observation                                                          Sludge
 Power Supply Controller  Holographic Grating  Attachment
 (optional)                                                                                  Airborne dust
 High Frequency Generator  Monochromator  Entrance Slit
 Plasma light
 Temperature Control   source            Aqueous Solutions       Organic Solvents
 Heater  Mass Flow Controller
 Gas Controller  Autosampler
                   ICPS-8100 Analytical Sensitivity Chart
 Autosampler Controller
                                                             Below 1 ppm  1 to 10 ppb  10 to 100 ppb  Other
                       1a  2a   3b  4b  5b  6b   7b       8       1b  2b   3a  4a  5a   6a  7a   0
                         1                                                                        2
 PC                    H                                                                        He
 Optical Fiber
 Analytical Data  Monochromator 2  Li  3  Be  4  SHIMADZU INDUCTIVELY      B  5  C  6  N  7  O  8  F  9  Ne 10
                                   COUPLED PLASMA SPECTROMETER
                        11   12                                             13   14  15  16   17  18
 Wavelength Scanning Controller  Na  Mg                                    Al  Si   P   S   Cl  Ar
                        19   20  21  22   23  24  25   26  27  28   29  30  31   32  33  34   35  36
 Negative High-Voltage   K  Ca  Sc  Ti  V   Cr  Mn   Fe  Co   Ni  Cu  Zn   Ga  Ge  As   Se  Br  Kr
 Power Supply  Safety Sensors
 Photomultiplier        37   38  39  40   41  42  43   44  45  46   47  48  49   50  51  52   53  54
                       Rb  Sr   Y   Zr  Nb  Mo   Tc  Ru  Rh   Pd  Ag  Cd   In  Sn  Sb   Te   I  Xe
 Exit Slit              55   56  *   72   73  74  75   76  77  78   79  80  81   82  83  84   85  86
 Mirror                Cs  Ba   L   Hf  Ta  W    Re  Os   Ir  Pt  Au  Hg   Tl  Pb  Bi   Po  At  Rn
 Safety Circuits
                        87   88 **
                       Fr  Ra  A
 Holographic Double
                             57  58  59   60  61  62   63  64  65   66  67  68   69  70  71  Detection Limit of
 Mirror  Monochromator  Entrance Slit  L  La  Ce  Pr  Nd  Pm  Sm  Eu  Gd  Tb  Dy  Ho  Er  Tm  Yb  Lu  ICPS-8100 (ppb)
                                                                                             Below 1 ppm
                             89  90  91   92  93  94   95  96  97   98  99  100  101  102  103  1 to 10 ppb
 Temperature Control   Heater  A  Ac  Th  Pa  U  Np  Pu  Am  Cm  Bk  Cf  Es  Fm  Md  No  Lr  10 to 100 ppb
 6                                                                                                                      7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12