Page 9 - Shimadzu ICPS-7510 - New
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            Accessories that enable automatic analysis and

            sample introduction  at your will, without restrictions

              A wide variety of peripherals

            Autosampler                                        Autosampler                                                            Peristaltic pump                                   Spectrometer
            AS-9                                               AS-8T                                                                  (P/N 204-77310-01)                                 for internal standard method
            (P/N 211-43575-01)                                 (P/N 205-04940-02)                                                     Used in the analysis of high viscosity samples. A fixed sample   (P/N 205-02165-02)
                                                               For organic solvents (P/N 211-48059-01)                                injection is possible.
                                                                                                                                                                                         This is installed in the Shimadzu sequential plasma spectrometer to perform
            After placing the samples in the autosampler, the sample names and all the analysis   This type handles both beakers and test tubes. It can be loaded with 100 of the 20ml test   simultaneous internal standard analysis.
            conditions can be set in a PC, and several samples analyzed continuously.  tubes or 50 of the 30ml beakers. A table is necessary.
            Size: W470×D268×H370mm                             Size : W500×D680×H525mm                                                                                                   Specifications
            Electrical power is supplied from the main unit.   Electrical power is supplied from the main unit. (Single phase 100V, 50/60Hz, 3A)                                          Optical mount : 0.5m Pachen-Runge mount
             (DC 24V, DC 5V)                                     A SO table is necessary                                                                                                  No. of grooves in the diffraction grating : 2700 grooves/mm
            * A table ND is necessary                          *                                                                                                                          Internal standard element : Y(371.0nm)
                                                               SO Table
                                                                                                                                                                                          Light guide : by optical fiber
            Table ND with caster                               (P/N 210-44026)                                                                                                              Place of installation : Installed inside the thermostatic chamber
            (P/N 219-96005)                                    Size: W600×D600×H690mm                                                                                                                                         of the main unit.
            Size: W600×D480×H750mm                             With caster

            Ultrasonic nebulizer              Hydrofluoric acid sample          Hydride generator                                     Cooling water circulator
            UAG-1                             injection system                  HVG-ICP                                               CA-1112                                            Low temperature thermostatic
            (P/N 205-09295)                   HFS-2                             (P/N 211-40981)                                       (P/N 044-01809-03)                                 water heater
            This is a sample injection system developed for high sensitivity   (P/N 211-42853-03)  The elements within the sample are reduced and vaporized by   For the ultrasonic nebulizer UAG-1  NCB-1200 (SP)
            ICP analysis. Unlike the usual nebulizer that uses the negative     the nascent hydrogen generated in the decomposition of   For the ICPS-7510
            pressure of the carrier gas, this nebulizer uses ultrasonic energy   Samples composed primarily of silicates, such as rocks, soil,   sodium borohydride. Only the gas phase is injected into the   (P/N 044-01910-01)
                                              cement and ceramics are insoluble or dissolve poorly in strong
            to nebulize a solution.                                             plasma to achieve measurement with a high degree of   Size : W354×D384×H851mm   41kg
            Ultrasonic energy can produce large amounts of extremely fine   acids. When hydrofluoric acid is used to dissolve these samples,   sensitivity.  Power Supply : Single phase 100V   50/60HZ   15A  For the water cooled chamber kit
            particles. This enables the UAG-1 to perform analyses at a high   normal injection systems cannot be used as they are made of   As, Se, Sn, Te, Bi etc. can be measured.  * When only the main unit ICPS-7510 is connected the piping kit A is needed.
                                              glass. A sample dissolved in hydrofluoric acid can be injected
            sensitivity of 10 to 100 times the sensitivity of conventional                                                            When the ultrasonic nebulizer UAG-1 is also connected the piping kit B is needed.  Size: W238×D450×H592mm  25kg
            nebulizers.                       into the plasma directly by using an injection system made of   Size: W333×D214×H195mm                                                     Power supply:  Single phase 100V, 50/60Hz, 8A
                                              fluorinated ethylene resin.       Power supply:  Single phase 100V, 50/60Hz, 2A
            Size : Main unit  W320×D380×H540mm                                                                                        Piping kit A : Main unit only
                      Power supply  W382×D360×H159mm                                                                                  (P/N 211-83633-01)
            Power supply :  Single phase 100V, 50/60Hz, 10A
                                                                                                                                      Piping kit B : Main unit and UAG-1
            * A cooling water system is necessary as a utility.  * Bracket      * A table ND (with casters) is necessary.             (P/N 211-83633-02)
            Table ND with caster                 (P/N 211-85456-91) is necessary.  Table ND with caster
            (P/N219-96005)                                                      (P/N219-96005)
            Size : W600×D480×H750mm                                             Size: W600×D480×H750mm

     16                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sequential Plasma Emission Spectrometer  17
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