Page 10 - Shimadzu ICPS-7510 - New
P. 10

Specifications                                                                                                            Installation

            Spectrometer unit                                  Photometry and control                                                 Installing the ICPS-7510

             Optical system   Czerny-Turner mounting            Negative high voltage power supply  Variable 16 steps
                                                                                                                                       1.   Installation room environment                 6.   Exhaust duct
                              Double grating                    Photometric method  Sequential element measurement method
                                                                                                                                       Temperature    18 to 28˚C (Rate of temperature change: 2˚C/h or lower)  Plasma stand
             Focal length     1000mm                            Dynamic range    9 figures
             No. of diffraction grating  3600 grooves/mm for 160 to 458 mm                                                             Humidity    70% or below                           The exhaust gas is mostly argon. Install an exhaust duct however as it contains
             grooves and                                                                                                               Avoid places with a lot of vibration or dust.      some metallic vapor and solvent.
             wavelength range  1800 grooves/mm for 458 to 850 mm
                                                               Data processor
             Reciprocal       0.22nm/mm(3600grooves)
             dispersion                                         Personal computer
             Detector         Photo-multiplier tube             CPU              Intel Celeron 1.6GHz or higher
                                                                                                                                       2.   Power source                                  7.   License
             Slit             Entrance slit     20µm            Memory           Main memory: RAM 512MB
                                                                                                                                       Main unit     3-phase                              Usage of this device needs to comply with the radio laws. A license for an
                              Exit slit    30µm                 External memory  1 CD-ROM installed                                                                                       installation using radio frequency needs to be obtained from the authority.
                                                                device                                                                 Data processor unit    Single phase  (supplied from the main unit)
             Wavelength       Sine-bar method                                    Hard disk over 80GB                                   Options
             scanning                                           Display
                              Driven by a computer controlled pulse motor        17 inch color TFT                                     • Autosampler   AS-9/AS-6/AS-8T supplied from the main unit.
                                                                Printer (option)                                                                    (single phase 100V 3A)
                              Minimum step wavelength    0.0002nm                Monochrome laser printer
                              Maximum speed 50nm/sec (3600 grooves)              Matrix inkjet printer                                 • Ultrasound nebulizer   UAG-1  Single phase 100V 10A
             Temperature control  Proportional control method    38 ±0.1                                                               • Hydride generator   HVG-ICP  Single phase 100V 2A
                                                                                                                                                    All of the above are grounded and require 3 pronged sockets.
             Exhaust system   Rotary pump exhaust capability 160 liters/minute
                                                               Software                                                                • Check separately when using the cooling water circulator
                              With oil backflow prevention valve
                                                                OS               Windows 7
                                                                No. of measurement  Qualitative analysis 1: 72 elements x 1 wavelength
                                                                                 Qualitative analysis 2: 72 elements  Maximum 216 wavelengths  3.   Grounding
            ICP Light source                                                     Quantitative analysis: 72 elements  Maximum 72 wavelengths  Resistance   independent grounding below 30  Example of installation
                                                                Database         Analyzed wavelengths data: 72 elements, maximum 16 wavelengths
             Torch unit       Cyclone chamber (misting chamber)
                                                                                 Wavelength table: Approx. 110,000 wavelengths recorded                                                                    Water  Drainage   Argon gas
                              Quartz plasma torch                                                                                                                                            Wall       supply port  port  port  Power switchboard
                                                                Analysis cards   100 cards
                              Coaxial type nebulizer                                                                                   4.   Gas installation
                                                                                 Calibration curve sample  Maximum 16 samples per card                                                                                        3-phase 200V/220V 20A,
             Observation position switching Up and down, 2 steps (during radial observation)                                           Type         Argon gas of 99.95% or greater purity            300                      single grounding 30    or less
                                                                                 Drift correction
             Gas controller   3 plasma flow channels                                                                                   Adjust so that the argon gas is supplied at a pressure of 350±10kPa                     144
                                                                Quantitative analysis  Internal standard correction (sequential internal standard correction)
                              Flow rate setting range (computer controlled)                                                            (3.5±0.1kg/cm 2 ).
                                                                                 Background correction                                 *Approximately one 7m 3  gas cylinder is necessary for 5 hours of operation.
                              Plasma gas 2 to 20liters/minute                                                                                                                                                                 680
                                                                                 Blank signal elimination
                              Auxiliary gas 0.2 to 1.4liters/minute
                                                                                 Matrix correction
                              Carrier gas 0.1 to 1.5liters/minute
                                                               * Windows and Windows XP are registered trademarks in the United States and other countries of United                                         233
                                                                 States Microsoft Corporation.                                                                                                                       Sample
                              Purge gas 3.5liters/minute       * Intel and Celeron are Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries or trademarks of the   5.   Cooling water                           table
                                                                 subsidiary company or registrered trademarks.                                                                                        1042
             Axial observation attachment  Direction of observation can be changed (radial/axial)  * Additionally, the company name and product name that has been described are the trademarks or registered   308
                                                                 trademarks of each company.                                           Water supply    Flow rate of 1L/min or greater  1 line                                  Units: mm
                                                               * Neither  TM  nor ® mark are desbribed clearly in the text.                                                                  100           1785
                                                                                                                                       Drainage     Natural water flow drain
                                                                                                                                                    (Unnecessary when using the cooling water circulator)
                                                               External Dimensions                                                     Note          UAG-1 requires a separate supply of cooling water.
            Radio frequency generator                                                Units: mm                                         *When a cooling water circulation device is used with the main unit and UAG-1,   *  The placement can be easily changed because it has casters with stoppers.
                                                                                                                                                                                           The sample table is detached during installation, allowing the unit to fit through an entrance
                                                                                                                                       confirm the piping kit, etc.                         width of 800mm.
             Oscillator       Crystal oscillator                                               233                                                                                       *  The dimensions at the time of installation is 735 × 1785 × 998mm.
             Frequency        27.120MHz     ±0.05% (ISM band)                              200
             Output           0.8,  1.0,  1.2,  1.4,  1.6,  1.8kW
             Output stability  Within ±0.3%
                                                                   998                                                                   The following warning seals are affixed onto the system. Please take sufficient care when handling these areas.
             Radio frequency circuit element  Transistor                                     752
             Ignition method  Fully automatic ignition                                                                                    1. At the gas purge tube   2. At the switch panel    3. At the vacuum pump and valve  4. At the transformer
             Load matching    Automatic matching (auto tuning)              1350                     680  144                                         Warning                   Warning                    Caution
                                                                               1785                                                                High-temperature hazard     Shock hazard             High-temperature hazard
             With safety function  Radio frequency generator temperature fault detection           Weight: 550 kg                                  Danger of burns. Do not touch or   Danger of electric shock.Turn power   Danger of burns. Do not touch.
                                                                                                                                                   look through.             OFF prior to opening cover.

     18                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sequential Plasma Emission Spectrometer  19
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