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Enhanced Support System for Data Management

               LabSolutions  DB/CS Realizes Complete Data Integrity*

 Multianalyte Data Analysis with More Efficiency Using LabSolutions Insight
 LabSolutions Insight quantitative analysis support software includes functionality for enhancing the throughput of
 multianalyte data analysis, making it especially helpful for routine analysis. Quantitative results for a series of data sets
 can be displayed at the same time for data analysis. Chromatograms for each set of sample data can be displayed
 side-by-side for each compound, making it easy to confirm peak detection and quantitative results. Color-coded flagging
 functionality makes it easy to quickly see peaks from any of multiple analytes that exceed criteria values. That drastically
 decreases the number of peaks that need to be checked and improves the efficiency of quantitative analysis processes.

 More Efficient Multianalyte Data Analysis  LabSolutions DB/CS is the integration software for analytical instruments that complies with regulations regarding electron-
 Users can select the optimal method for displaying data based on their workflow. For example, data analysis windows can   ic records and signatures, such as "FDA 21 CFR Part 11" and "ER/ES guidelines".
 be displayed for each target compound or each set of measurement data, or quantitation or area values can be displayed as   Data management with LabSolutions prevents overwriting or deleting analysis data. It also offers a complete suite of
 a list. If necessary, quantitative analysis can be repeated with peaks directly corrected, which provides intuitive operability.  advanced security features to provide an optimal solution for data integrity.

 Visualization of Quantitative and Accuracy Control Results  Network System: LabSolutions CS
 Quantitative and accuracy control results can be presented more clearly by using the flagging function to color-code result   Data acquired from multiple systems can be reviewed or confirmed using client computers connected via a LAN or other
 values that exceed specified criteria values or by only displaying flagged results. Five levels of criteria values can be indicated   network. If multiple systems are used, data obtained from each system can be reviewed from any client
 for quantitative results, making it easy to confirm the corresponding criteria value range for the detected compounds.   computer. Even in the case of multiple analysts using the same system, the ability to separate analytical work from measure-
 Flagging immediately reflects results from any corrections made to manual peak integration or calibration curves.
               ment work improves work efficiency.
                                                                     * 3                * 2
                         LabSolutions server  Laboratory or office  Tablet       Client PC

 Cautionary  Warning

                                * 1
 0.000001 mg/L  0.00001 mg/L  cotoroller PC

                                                                             EDX  TOC-V   AA
                                LC   GC      Agilent LC, GC  Thermo LC, GC  Combine with
                                                                            Multi-Data Registration License
                                                                            to enable integrated management
                                                                            of these instruments’ data  and
                                                                            user information.
 Network Support  Laboratory
                           LCMS      GCMS     FTIR    UV      RF    TA
 GC/MS analysis  LC/MS analysis
 Data acquired from multiple systems                                         PC
 can be reviewed or confirmed using
 client computers connected via a
 LAN or other network. If multiple
                                                                             A instrument  B instrument
 systems are used, data obtained
 from each system can be reviewed   Operator  Operator                      Combine with
                                                                            Multi-Data Registration License
 from any client computer. Even in   Balance  PPSQ ™  ICPMS  Particle Size  AG  TOC-L  to enable integrated management
 the case of multiple analysts using
 the same system, the ability to   Office  *1 The acquisition control PC controls analytical instruments. It can also be used to send analytical instructions and perform postrun analysis, just like a client PC.
               *2 If a terminal service is used, then LabSolutions software does not need to be installed on client PCs.
 separate analytical work from   *3 If an iPad is used, then XenApp from Citrix must be installed.
 Data review
 measurement work improves
               Standalone Database System: LabSolutions DB
 File Server
 Client PC     LabSolutions DB manages data by connecting a computer with analysis instruments, which do not have network connections. It is
 Analysis administrator  recommended for facilities that do not require network connections and want to be ER/ES compliant with one computer.
 Data confirmation  Client PC  Operator  Client PC  Operator  Client PC  Operator
               *LabSolutions DB/CS is optional software that provides enhanced data integrity support. Some analysis systems and functions are not supported in contrast to the standard
 File management on a file server is recommended for systems with more than five users.
                workstation software GCMSsolution.

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