Page 5 - Shimadzu GC-2025
P. 5

Eco-friendly  Carrier Gas Saver Function                      Reduced Operating Costs

            Because helium is an expensive resource, its use as carrier gas   During annual operation, when the auto start/auto stop
            should be minimized. The carrier gas saver function allows you   functions of the GC-2025 are used, a reduction in power
            to reduce the carrier gas emitted from the system by reducing   consumption of nearly 57% will be realized as compared to the
            the split ratio in the analysis. In a split / splitless sample injection   existing model. In addition, CO2 emissions will be reduced by
            method, this function can save valuable carrier gas and thus   approximately 378kg.
            reduce operating costs.
                                                               *Annual operation is defined as 260 days. A power conversion factor of
                                                                0.378kg-CO2/kwh used.
            Example of carrier gas saver function              * Power consumption may differ depending on the installation
             Split ratio                                        conditions, room temperature, etc.
                  Carrier               Carrier
                   gas    Carrier gas saved  gas  Carrier gas saved
                  saved                 saved                    1 8 0 0       Approx. 57% reduction
                                                                               in power consumption
                                                                 1 6 0 0
              10                                                 1 4 0 0         CO2 reduction of
                                                                                  about 237kg
                                                                 1 2 0 0
 Unique, Eco-friendly Technology for  Power Consumption Display  0 start  analysis  analysis  end  start analysis  analysis  Time  Annual energy consumption [kWh] 2 0 0 0
                                                                 1 0 0 0
 High Energy Savings   Function   Carrier gas saver function is activated until the beginning of the next batch analysis.   8 0 0
            In this case, set the split ratio to 100 in the sample injection; in other analyses,   6 0 0
 A compact design and efficient insulating materials inside the   In addition to instrument status, the power consumption is   the split ratio can be reduced to 10. As a result, carrier gas consumption will be   4 0 0
 oven minimize the heat capacity and heat loss, thereby reducing   displayed on the main screen. With this meter, power   minimized.  2 0 0
            In addition, the carrier gas saver is on after the batch analysis.
 electricity costs and realizing more environmentally friendly   consumption can be checked at a glance, helping to increase   0
                                                                    Continuous operations  When using auto start/auto
 operation. Furthermore, the GC-2025 is equipped with an   awareness of energy savings and ecology in the laboratory.  (our conventional model)  stop functions
 energy-saving heater, which results in a 30% (*) reduction in   Approx. 83%  Comparative example of the annual power
 electricity consumption during temperature-programming   Power meter shown on the right  2000  reduction  consumption during continuous operation using our
 analysis as compared to the GC-2010 Plus.  The relationship between  1500  conventional model and the GC-2025 when
 300  electricity consumption and  Helium consumption [mL] 2500  automatic functions are used.
 meter display  1000
 250  30% reduction  ˘  200W or below  500 0
 Power consumption [kw]  150  ˘˘˘˘  601ʙ800W  Analysis time: 30min    Split ratio: 100
                            When using the saver function
                      No use
             Carrier gas saver function: Split ratio 10 after 1 min
 Over 1200W
             Column temperature 170ˆ
             Column: Inner diameter 0.25mm, length 30m, thickness 0.25µm
            Reduction of He carrier gas consumption during one
            analysis using the carrier gas saver function.
 Conventional model  GC-2025
 Comparative example of the power consumption
 used during 1 analytical cycle.
  (*) Power consumption varies according to site conditions, ambient temperature, etc.  Auto-stop Function / Auto-start Function
 700  300   The auto-stop and auto-start functions help to reduce operating   gases after a set time. If the automatic startup function is used,
 600  250   costs. The automatic shutdown function automatically stops the   gas control will be started after a set time; the temperature
 500        temperature control after GC analysis to save power.   control will start subsequently.
 200        Furthermore, it stops the control of the detector and carrier
 Electricity[W]  400  150 Column oven temperature (ˆ)
 100          End of analysis                                             Start of analysis
 200  Conventional model  Next day
 GC-2025           10o’clock 11o’clock 0o’clock 1o’clock 2o’clock 3o’clock 4o’clock 5o’clock 6o’clock 7o’clock 8o’clock 9o’clock
 100  Column oven temperature  50  Auto stop of gas control  Reduce electricity and  Auto start of gas control
 0  0       Used     Auto stop of temperature control  gas consumption  Auto start of temperature control
 0  10  20  30  40
 Change in electricity consumption during temperature-programming
 analysis with conventional model and GC-2025  Not used  Temperature and gas control continues until the next day’s analysis
            Comparison of consumption using the auto stop /auto start functions and not using them.
 4                                                                                           Energy Saving Capillary Gas Chromatograph  5
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