Page 8 - Shimadzu EDX-LE
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Fully Equipped with Essential Functions

                    All-in-One Design Includes All Functions Required for RoHS/ELV Screening

                    Overall RoHS/ELV analysis performance is tied to the smooth coordination of a variety of analytical                       Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis        *Additional function kit is required.
                    systems, creating a synergistic effect.                                                                                   The EDX-LE can perform qualitative analysis and
                    For this reason, EDX-LE standard equipment includes all the functions required for RoHS/ELV analysis,                     non-standard quantitative analysis based on the FP method.   -FeKa
                    providing users with the optimal RoHS/ELV screening System.                                                               This means it can be used to analyze foreign substances or
                                                                                                                                              differentiate between different materials.          X-ray Fluorescence Intensity  -CrKa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Stainless Steel (FP Method)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      -V Ka  -CrKb MnKa  -FeKb  -NiKa  -CuKa  -NiKb  -CuKb  -Moka  -Mokb  -RhKa  -RhKb  Quantitative Analysis Results for
                                                                                                                                                                                                     5   10  15  20   25
                    Obtaining highly reliable analytical results        Organize measurement results in a list                                                                                                        [keV]
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Qualitative Profile of Stainless Steel
                    Calibration Curve Method and FP Method              List Creation Function
                    To improve the reliability of analysis results for elements   List data stored in Excel format.
                    specified by the RoHS/ELV directive, the elements are
                    analyzed using the calibration curve method and standard                                                                  Matching (Steel Type Identification, Product Identification)             *Additional function kit is required.
                    sample (check sample) provided with the instrument. (The                                                                  Comparing measurement data to a data library of steel types
                    Fundamental Parameter (FP) method is used to analyze                                                                      allows automatic identification for everything from materials
                    some RoHS elements in metal samples.) Any other elements                                                                  closest to the sample, to the 10th position on the library list.
                    detected are analyzed using the FP method, which uses                                                                     In addition to matching by intensity, matching by content is
                    theoretical calculations to provide additional information.                                                               also available if the user creates and registers libraries of
                                                                                                                                              concentrations and elements.
                    Compensates for the influence of
                    differences in shape of actual samples              Note that this requires installation of Microsoft Office Excel before use.                                                   Intensity Matching Results  Element and Content
                    on analysis results                                                                                                                                                                                       Registration Window
                    Shape Correction Function                           Accommodates a Variety of Samples
                    X-ray intensity differs with the shape and thickness of   Sample Observation Function                                     Thin-Film Analysis     *Additional function kit is required.
                    samples, even if they contain the same material, and will   When measuring foreign substances and samples with            The Film FP method obtains not only single layer, but multilayer film thickness, composition, and deposit volume.
                    have an impact on quantitative values. EDX-LE utilizes a BG   multiple parts, the sample observation camera allows the    It is also well-suited to the measurement of Pb contained in plating. (Information on the layer order (including base) and the
                    internal standard method  to eliminate the effect of shape and   analysis position to be easily specified by checking the camera   constituent elements is necessary.)
                    thickness in order to provide highly precise results.
                                                                        image. If the sample is small or if specific locations on the
                    160                                                 sample are being measured, the collimator can be used to                 Result of Qualitative Analysis
                    140                                                 change the X-ray exposure region.                                           P             Ni             Pb
                    100                                                                                                                                 −P Ka          −Nika                                           −AuLb1
                     80                                     Quantitative
                                                            Value with                                                                                                                                                         50 nm
                     20                                     Value with                                                                             X-ray Fluorescence Intensity  X-ray Fluorescence Intensity  X-ray Fluorescence Intensity  40 nm
                     0                                      No Correction
                        Mold  Multiple Pellet 1  Film  Film  Film  Film  Variant
                      Standard Value pellets  center  1 layer  2 layers  3 layers  4 layers
                                Comparison of Quantitative Results                                                                                                                                     X-ray Fluorescence Intensity  30 nm
                           with BG Internal Standard Correction/No Correction                                                                                                        −PbLb1
                    * BG inter nal standar ds method:
                    * BG internal standards method:
                       Fluorescent X-ray intensity of each element is standardized using scattered X-ray intensity.
                       Fluorescent X-ray intensity of each element is standardized using scattered X-ray intensity.                                                                                                            20 nm
                                                                                                                                                   1    2   3  [keV]  7  8  [keV]  12  13  [keV]
                                                                           10 mm dia. image (plastic)  3 mm dia. image (metal)
                                                                                                                                                                  * Trace amounts of lead as a stabilizer detected
                    Large Sample Chamber                                                                                                         Result of Quantitative Analysis                                               10 nm
                                                                                                                                                 Layer Info  Analyte  Result  (Std. Dev.) Proc.-Calc. Line
                    Despite its compact
                    body, the EDX can                                                                                                               Elem.                     Quan
                    accommodate samples                                                                                                             Elem.                     Quan                             11.00   11.50  12.00  [keV]
                    up to W370 mm ×                                                                                                                 Elem.                     Fix                                Au evaporated film
                    D320 mm × H155 mm.
                                                                                                                                                    Example of Measurement of Electroless Ni-P Plating  Example of Thickness Measurement for Thin-Film Sample
             8                                                                                                                                                                                                             Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  9
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13