Page 7 - Shimadzu EDX-8100
P. 7

Unrivaled Analytical Performance

 The high-performance SDD detector and optimized hardware achieve a high level of sensitivity, analysis speed, and energy resolution
 that were previously unattainable. It supports light element analysis of 6C to, and can be used in conjunction with the helium substitution
 option to analyze liquid samples containing light elements (F to Al) as is.
            High Resolution
 High Sensitivityɹ− Lower Limit of Detection Improved 1.5 to 5 Times!  −  The EDX-7000/8000/8100 instruments achieve superior energy   EDX-8100  Previous model
            resolution compared to previous models by incorporating a                            (EDX-720)
 High performance Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) for helium substitution and combination of optimized optics and primary filters achieve
            state-of-the-art SDD.
 previously unheard-of high levels of sensitivity. The sensitivity is higher than the previous Si (Li) semiconductor detector across the entire range
            This reduces the effects of overlapping peaks of different
 from light to heavy elements.
            elements, enhancing the reliability of the analysis results.
 Lower limit of detection [ppm]
 10000  Previous model (EDX-720)
 Previous model (EDX-720)                                           Comparison of Energy Resolutions (sample: PPS resin)
            No Liquid Nitrogen Required
            The SDD detector is electronically cooled, eliminating the need for cooling by liquid nitrogen. This frees the user from the chore of replenishing
            the liquid nitrogen and contributes to lower running costs.

            Range of Detected Elements
                      1                                                                                18
 5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75  80  85  10.0  11.0  12.0  13.0  1  EDX-8100: 6C to 92U  2
 Atomic number    1   H                                                                               He
 Comparison of detection limits for aqueous solutions  Profile Comparison for Lead (Pb) in Copper Alloy  2  13  14  15  16  17
                      3    4                                                   5    6    7    8    9   10
                  2   Li  Be    Guideline of  Lower Detection Limits in a Light Element Matrix  B  C  N  O  F  Ne
                                0.1ppmʙ  1ppmʙ  10ppmʙ  100ppmʙ  0.5%ʙ  10%ʙ
                      11   12                                                  13   14   15   16  17   18
                  3  Na   Mg                                                   Al   Si   P    S   Cl   Ar
 High Speedɹ− Throughput Increased by up to a Factor of 10 −  4  19  Ca  Sc  Ti  V  Cr  Mn  Fe  Co  Ni  Cu  Zn  Ga  Ge  As  Se  Br  Kr
 The high fluorescent X-ray count per unit time (high count rate) of the SDD detector permits highly precise analysis in a shorter measurement time.
                      37   38  39   40   41   42   43  44   45   46   47  48   49   50   51   52  53   54
 This feature is achieved to the maximum when analyzing samples that generate a lot of fluorescent X-rays, such as samples with a metal as the   5  Rb  Sr  Y  Zr  Nb  Mo  Tc  Ru  Rh  Pd  Ag  Cd  In  Sn  Sb  Te  I  Xe
 Main component element.
                      55   56  57-71  72  73  74   75  76   77   78   79  80   81   82   83   84  85   86
                  6  Cs   Ba        Hf  Ta   W    Re   Os   Ir  Pt   Au   Hg   Tl  Pb   Bi   Po   At  Rn
 Standard                      *
 deviation  Comparison Using Actual Samples  87  88  89-103  104  105  106  107  108  109  110  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118
                  7   Fr  Ra   **   Rf  Db   Sg   Bh   Hs  Mt   Ds   Rg   Cn  Nh    Fl  Mc   Lv   Ts  Og
 Previous model (EDX-720)  Repeatability using the EDX-8100 and the
 previous model (EDX-720) were compared for   57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71
                       6       La   Ce   Pr  Nd   Pm  Sm   Eu   Gd   Tb   Dy  Ho    Er  Tm   Yb   Lu
 lead (Pb) in lead-free solder.    *
                               89   90   91   92   93  94   95   96   97  98   99   100  101  102  103
 Sample External Appearance
                       7       Ac   Th  Pa    U   Np   Pu  Am   Cm   Bk   Cf   Es  Fm   Md   No   Lr
                 ɾ An optional vacuum measurement unit or helium purge unit is required to measure light elements (15P and below) with the EDX-8100.
                 ɾ Lower detection limit vary depending on the sample matrix or coexisting elements.
                 ɾ Lower detection limit of light element (20Ca and below) get worse when the sample cell film is used.
 Measurement time  Previous model (EDX-720)  ɾ It is impossible to measure 8O and below with sample cell film.
 Relationship Between Measurement Time and
 Standard Deviation (Variance in Quantitation Values)
            Ultra-Light Element Analysis by EDX-8100                                  LiF
 Extending the Measurement time to increase the fluorescent   The EDX-8100 features an SDD detector with a special ultra-thin-film window   CF2
 X-ray count can improve the precision (repeatability) of X-ray   EDX-8100  Approx. 1/10 measurement time  CaF2
            material that is able to detect ultra-light elements such as carbon (C), oxygen (O),
 fluorescence spectrometry.
            and fluorine (F)
 The EDX-8100 incorporates a high-count-rate SDD that
 Measurement time
 achieves highly precise analysis of the target in a shorter   Measurement time Required to Reach the Target Analysis Precision
 Measurement time than the previous model (EDX-720).
                                                                                 Profile of Fluorine (F) by EDX-8100
 6                                                                                                                 7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12