Page 2 - Shimadzu C2MAP System
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LC/MS/MS Cell Culture Media Analysis Platform                                                                                  Provides High-Quality Measurement Data with Ease

            Capable of Obtaining Temporal Change Profiles

            for Up to 95 Culture Supernatant Components

                      Production                      Cell Therapy                     Culture Media

                                                                                      ・ Development
                      • Optimization of              ・ Marker Search
                                                                                        of Culture Media
                       Culture Process                for Quality Evaluation
                                                                                      ・ Optimization
                     ・ Evaluation
                                                                                        of Media Composition
                       of Scale-up

                                                Antibiotics 1  Internal Standard 1
                                                     16        Amino acids           For component variation
               Automatic pretreatment of      Sugars 5        and Derivatives     by C2MAP TRENDS  Graph Display
               culture supernatant samples      Vitamins          38
                                                  17                                                                                    C2MAP-2030                                                     LCMS-8060/8050
                                                         Nucleic acid
                                                      associated compounds                                                              Cell Culture Media Analysis Platform                      Optimized cell culture profiling LC/MS/MS
                                                                                                                                        Up to 65 samples can be pretreated                        method package enables high-speed analysis
                                                                                                                                        and delivered to the HPLC                                 of 95 components.
                                         Basal medium component / Secretory metabolite                                                  automatically.
                                               Simultaneous LC/MS/MS analysis
                                                  of up to 95 components

                 Visualization of Temporal Change for Component Variations in Culture Media                                                Modules Required for Automated Pretreatment Can Be Operated Independently
                                                                                                                                           of LC/MS/MS
                 The C2MAP  System can be automated the process from pretreatment to measurement for culture supernatant samples and
                 display temporal changes in the components as graphs.
                 With the optimized LC/MS/MS simultaneous analysis method, the system can be used for the optimization of culture
                 conditions in animal cell cultures by monitoring the consumption and depletion of media components during culturing, as
                 well as the variation in metabolites secreted from cells.                                                                                          The LC/MS/MS can be installed in a different room, allowing to be shared for other
                                                                                                                                                                    If culture samples cannot be taken out of the culture room, sample pretreatment can be
                                                                                                                                                                    performed in the culture room and measured by LC/MS/MS in another room.
                                                                                                                                                                    Separating the various components saves laboratory space.
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