Page 11 - Shimadzu AIRsight
P. 11


 AMsolution Software

 AMsolution    Instrument Validation

 AMsolution includes measurement software (AMsolution Measurement) and analysis software (AMsolution   A validation program is included standard with the AMsolution measurement program for inspecting and validating the
 Analysis). The measurement software can control both infrared and Raman measurements via the same window.   performance of Shimadzu infrared and Raman microscopes. The infrared mode is validated using a polystyrene  lm in
 That means all processes, from image acquisition to measuring infrared and Raman spectra at the same location,   accordance with the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, US Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, and Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
 can be performed smoothly. The analysis software can overlay and search infrared and Raman spectra, create   The Raman mode is validated using polystyrene pellets to inspect wavenumber accuracy in accordance with the Japanese
 libraries, and so on.  Pharmacopoeia, US Pharmacopeia, and European Pharmacopoeia. That means analysts can inspect the basic performance
 The data measured in infrared mode can be imported to LabSolutions IR and analyzed.*¹  of the instrument themselves to ensure that highly reliable data is obtained.
 The data measured with AIMsolution, a software program for infrared microscopes, can be analyzed with
 AMsolution, a software program for AIRsight.
 *1 Only with LabSolutions IR Ver. 2.31 or later
                 • Shape and size of power spectrum                 • Based on polystyrene pellet spectrum:
                 • Based on polystyrene  lm spectrum:                - Wavenumber accuracy
                  - Resolution         - Transmittance (or absorbance)
                  - Wavenumber accuracy
                                       - Peak resolution function
                  - Wavenumber reproducibility
 AMsolution Measurement  AMsolution Analysis  Note:
 Measurement Software  Analysis Software  • The wavenumber reproducibility is an inspection parameter only required for the
                   Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
                 • The Peak resolution function is an inspection parameter only required for the
                   Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
                 • The inspection parameter of US Pharmacopeia is only wavenumber accuracy.

               Library Creation Function                      Library

               Functionality for creating libraries is included standard with the AMsolution analysis program. Analysts can create
               their own library by registering infrared and Raman spectra they acquire. Created libraries can also be used for
               searches. Registering the materials used in products and the substances used in manufacturing processes and using
               them as a library can improve the accuracy of searches.

               Automatic Contaminant Recognition System

               Functionality for automatically recognizing
               contaminants is included standard. The analyst simply
               clicks one button for the software to automatically
 Optional Software  recognize contaminants. Two types are available for
               the infrared mode: the standard type or the micro
               type for extremely small areas, which can be selected
 Mapping Program
               based on the purpose of analysis. Samples can either   Infrared (Standard Mode)  Infrared (Micro Mode)
               be measured with the automatically selected
 The line or area mapping modes can be selected for either infrared or Raman measurements, whereas the depth   measurement positions left unchanged or the analyst
 (line) mapping mode can be selected for Raman measurements*². The mapping range, measurement interval, and   can add or delete measurement positions. A sample
 other parameters can be speci ed directly on the synthesized visual image.  image is automatically saved for each measured
 For infrared measurements, in addition to typical transmission and re ection mapping modes, an ATR microscope   spectrum. That makes it easy to con rm the sample
 mapping measurement can be selected (which requires an optional ATR objective mirrors and pressure sensor).   or measurement positions later.
 Using the measurement results, a chemical image can be created based on peak heights/areas, multivariate analysis
 (PCA/MCR), or similarity to a target spectrum in order to visualize the distribution of components that otherwise   Raman
 cannot be con rmed visually.
 *2 Functionality for random mapping of up to 60 points is included standard.  • Automated support functions utilizing digital technology, such as M2M, IoT, and Arti cial Intelligence (AI), that enable higher productivity
                                   and maximum reliability.
                                  • Allows a system to monitor and diagnose itself, handle any issues during data acquisition without user input, and automatically behave as if
                                   it were operated by an expert.
                                  • Supports the acquisition of high quality, reproducible data regardless of an operator’s skill level for both routine and demanding applications.
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