Page 7 - Shimadzu AA-7000
P. 7

Advantages of the Double-Beam System
               Long-term stability                                       High sensitivity
               The graph shows the results of                            The graph shows the direct   b s
               measurements on 2 ppm copper (Cu)                         measurement results for 0.1
               conducted over at least one hour.   Absorbance            ppm lead (Pb).
               (The plot shows mean values for 11
               repeated measurements.) Over the
               course of more than 600
               measurements, the instrument           Measurement time                               Conc(ppm)
               achieved a relative standard   Data Showing Long-Term Stability for        0.1 ppm to 0.4 ppm Calibration Curve for Lead (Pb)
                                         Flame Cu Measurements
               deviation within 1%.
             Support for Developing Analytical Conditions
               Automatic gas flow rate optimization
               Automatic searching for optimal fuel gas flow rate (Japanese Patent 2099886). It is important
               to determine the optimal gas flow rate for the flame when using an organic solvent or after
               changing the burner height. The AA-7000F Series automatically optimizes the gas flow rate
               by measuring the changes in absorbance between a blank and a standard sample. The
               difference between the two is displayed on the screen. The gas flow rate achieving the
               highest sensitivity is detected and this value is automatically set as the gas flow rate value.
               Automatic burner height optimization (AA-7000F/AAC)
               The absorption sensitivity for flame analysis is also affected by the burner height. This results
               from variations in the flame temperature due to the burner height. The flame temperature is
               also affected by the matrix components. AA-7000F/AAC adjusts the burner height in 0.5 mm
               steps to automatically search for the optimal conditions.
               AA-7000F enables above function by AAC-7000 (option).
             Optional Autosampler Reduces Analysis Workload

               Low carryover
               Great care must be taken to avoid carryover during flame analysis. The new ASC-7000
               autosampler rinses the nozzle at the rinsing port on the overflow mechanism after each   Discharge
               sample measurement is complete. This ensures 10  max. carryover during the
               measurements of multiple samples. The graph shows the results of consecutive analyses
               of 10 ppm, 20 ppm, and 50 ppm sodium (Na) standard solutions in the EMISSION mode.
               No carryover could be detected when measuring the 10 ppm standard sample
               immediately after the measuring the 50 ppm Na standard sample.   Conventional method Overflow method  Data showing low carryover

             Trace Sample Analysis Using Micro Sampling
               Micro sampling
               At least 1 mL (1000 µL) volume of a liquid sample is required for the continuous intake of
               sample during normal flame analysis. With micro sampling, however, approximately 50 to 90   Sampling port  Sampling port
               µL of sample is injected in one shot into the flame and quantitation is based on the height
               and area of the peak signal obtained. This method offers the advantages below.
               Advantages                                                           Solenoid         Solenoid
                                                                                    (closed)         (opened)
               .  Permits analysis of small sample volumes
               .  Multi-element analysis of small sample volumes                 1. Sample injected into  2. Solenoid valve opens to inject sample
                                                                                     micro sampling port.      in one shot into the flame.
               .  No blockage of burner slot with samples having a high salt concentration
               .  Synchronized with the autosampler for auto-dilution measurements
               * Synchronization with the autosampler requires the optional micro sampling kit.
               Example of micro sampling analysis
               Examples of the measured waveforms (overlaid) and calibration curve for micro
               sampling analysis are shown to the right.
               A 2-ppm Cu standard solution was prepared by auto-dilution using the autosampler.
               The autosampler can also be used to conduct dilution measurements of the sample.
               (Injection volume: 90 µL)

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