Page 7 - ELEM-Sport
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Securing a Seamless Workflow   Supporting Cutting-Edge R&D                               Applications

 The GC-Comb-MS mode enables selective analysis of   The ELEM-SPOT system can provide analysis results that are essential for researching and developing biomass, chemical
 specific heterocyclic compounds with high sensitivity   recycling, and other solutions for achieving a carbon-neutral society.
 while the MS direct mode enables conventional GC/MS
 analysis. Each mode can be specified and controlled easily
               Analysis of Oxygenated Compounds in           Changes in the Catalytic Ability of
 using the LabSolutions  system control software, allowing
 both modes to be used quickly and conveniently for   Wood Bio-Oil  Hydrotreating Phenols Over Time
                                              After screening      OH
                                              Before screening                       OH     OH
                                                                   36H  45H

 Automated Switching between                                    Note: As the continuous usage time of the catalyst increases, it can
                                                                   be seen that oxygen-containing components such as phenols
 Oxidation Gases  16
 O2                                                                are not processed.
 For nitrogen-containing
 In GC-Comb-MS mode, Shimadzu’s unique   compound analysis
               Biomass used as a raw material for bio-oils can contain   Because the ELEM-SPOT system can uniquely identify
 GC gas selector can automatically switch
               large amounts of oxygenated compounds that can damage   oxygenated compounds in countless matrices, it can be
 between oxidation gases for trace analysis   the catalysts used during oil purification. Therefore, such   useful for quickly checking the effectiveness of
 of either oxygen or nitrogen.  18 O2
 Automated Switching  compounds must be identified and removed.  oxygenated compound removal capacity over time.
 between  For oxygenated
 Oxidation Gases  compound analysis
               Analysis of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds in Bio-Oils Derived from Algae

 Simpli ed Routine Maintenance
                                                                              After screening
                                                                              Before screening

 One-Step GC Injection Port Maintenance  Easier Reaction Tube Replacement
               Algae, which has attracted attention as a raw material for bio-oils, contains many nitrogen compounds. However, nitrogen
 Systems are equipped standard with ClickTek  nuts   The reactor is oriented horizontally to   compounds can affect catalytic performance during hydrogenolysis, so they must be appropriately treated before bio-oil
 that enable one-step maintenance of a sample   provide easier access to the reaction tube and   purification. Shown above is a chromatogram of bio-crude oil derived from algae and a chromatogram of specifically
 injection port without using a tool to open/close the   eliminate the need for reactor disassembly   detected nitrogen compounds in crude oil. In addition to oxygenated compounds, the ELEM-SPOT system can specifically
 sample injection port.  for the tube replacement.  detect compounds that contain nitrogen atomic configurations.

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