Page 4 - ELEM-Sport
P. 4

Spotting Targets Selectively

                     Hydrocarbon compounds are first separated by GC and then oxidatively dissociated in the element-selective combustion
                     unit. Then the separated compounds are detected by MS using the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. As a result, the
                     difficult analysis of trace quantities of an oxygenated compound was enabled by using isotopic oxygen ( O2) as the                                                      y
                     oxidation gas (Pat. No. WO 2017/114654). Furthermore, nitrogen-containing compounds can be detected selectively by                     CxHyNzOw               xCO2 +    2  H2O  + zNO
                     using regular oxygen ( O2) as the oxidation gas.

                                                                                                                                                                                If now-common CxHyNzOw hydrocarbons are directly detected by
                                                                                                                                                                   m/z  44(CO2)  FID or GC-MS after column separation, then they are detected
                     GC-Comb-MS Mode                                                                                                                 Oxidative                  based on a single peak. If that peak is detected by GC-MS after
                                                                                                                                                     dissociation  m/z  18(H2O)  column separation and oxidative dissociation, and further
                     The GC-Comb-MS mode is a                                                                                                                                   analyzed by m/z, then MS chromatograms are obtained for each
                                                                                                                                                                   m/z 30(NO)
                     configuration where an                                                                                                                                     product of oxidative dissociation. Since the dissociation
                     element-selective combustion unit is                                                                                                                       products are unique for each element contained in the
                     connected after the GC and before                                                                                      CxHyNzOw      xCO2  +  (y/2)H2O + zNO  compound, a unique chromatogram is obtained for each
                     the MS. In this mode,                                                                                                                                      specific hetero-element contained in the compound.
                     compounds can be selectively                                    18 O2 in Helium
                     detected. After separating
                     hydrocarbon compounds with GC,                                                                                        Principle of Detecting Oxygenated Compounds
                     the compounds are oxidatively
                     decomposed in the combustion                                                                                          In the analysis of oxygenated compounds, oxidative decomposition is performed using isotopic oxygen ( O2) in the
                     catalytic reactor and detected using   GC-MS            GC                   EL-30                                    carrier gas, and screening is conducted to separate oxygen-containing compounds from other components.
                     the SIM mode.                                                                                                         Dedicated data analysis tools are employed to accurately identify oxygen-containing compounds.

                                                                           MS Chromatogram from GC-Comb-MS                                 18 O2 (Isotopic) Oxidation Gas                16 O2 Oxidation Gas
                                                          After screening
                              4                           Before screening  (Oxygen Content Analysis)
                                               11          14                                                                              CxHy O + 18 O2  C O2 +  H2 O + C O2 H2 O      CxHy O + 16 O2  C O2  + H2 O
                               5        10                                  1 Cyclohexanone   8 Hexylbutyrate                                           m/z  44    18     48    20                   m/z  44     18
                        1  3
                                 7    8                                     2 2-ethoxyethylacetate  9 Dodecane
                                                12                          3 Benzaldehyde    10 Phenethyl acetate
                                       9                                                                                                                     Oxygen from  Oxygen from      Oxygen originating from oxygenated compounds cannot be
                                                                            4 Dimethyl malonate  11 Dimethyl phthalate                                    oxygenated compounds  oxidation gas  discriminated from oxygen originating from oxidation gas.
                                                                            5 2-pentyl butyrate  12 Acephatene
                                                                            6 Acetaldehyde    13 Dibenzofurane
                                                                            7 1-octanol       14 Eicosane
                                                                           Note: This provides a unique chromatogram that can be used
                                                                               to determine whether compounds contain oxygen.                                                      CxHyNz
                                                                               Compounds 9, 12, and 14 do not contain oxygen.                                              CxHyOz
                                                                                                                                                       Intensity                             C O2 Oxidation product of organic compounds
                     MS Direct Mode                                                                                                                                                       NO Origin of nitrogen-containing compounds
                                                                                                                                                      m/z                              C O2 Origin of oxygen-containing compounds
                                                                                                                                                                   Retention Time
                     The MS Direct mode is a common configuration in GC-MS. The ELEM-SPOT system enables analysis in a typical GC-MS
                     setup without passing through the element-selective combustion unit by switching the configuration flow paths.
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