Page 3 - Shimadzu Solutions for Food Safety & Halal Testing
P. 3
Cooked Meat Authentication by Proteotypic Peptide Quantitative
Proteomic Analysis
LCMS-8050 and LCMS-8060 are the best Triple Quadrupole Mass
Spectrometer useful for screening and quantitation of wide range
of contaminants including pesticides, hormones, veterinary drugs,
dyes etc. In addition it is also a key technology for Halal meat
authentication by screening unique peptide markers of pork.
Fast Scanning speed and ultra-high sensitivity assures highest
confidence in analysis
Pig: type I collagen
Measurement of pig collagen type I successfully detected pig collagen in mixed food types horse sausage and beef-ham-chicken
sandwich paste.
Targeted peptides
Method Development
Species Protein Accession Peptide RT Q1 prec. MRM 1 MRM 2 MRM 3 MRM 4 CE
(min) (q) (q)
Pig MYH4 Q9TV62 TLAFLFAER 21.24 534.3 > 853.46 782.42 635.35 522.27 -18.9 Peptide Uniprot FASTA download MRM
COL1A2 Q1T7B0 GVGAGPGPMGLMGPR 16.77 677.34 > 915.45 858.43 630.34 460.23 -34.6 selection (myosin & collagen) selection
Chick MLE1 P02604 DQGTFEDFVEGLR 22.27 756.85 > 964.47 835.43 720.4 474.27 -27.8
MLRS P02609 GADPEDVIMGAFK 21.55 675.32 > 422.24 880.46 666.36 553.28 -28.5
SFLEELLTTQCDR 24.20 777.88 > 723.31 949.48 836.39 622.26 -26.6
MYSS P13538 NLTEEMAVLDETIAK 22.90 838.92 > 789.44 959.54 888.5 676.35 -25.0
VAEQELLDATER 13.87 687.35 > 591.27 817.44 704.36 476.25 -23.0
Bovin MLRS Q0P571 EASGPINFTVFLNMFGEK 30.60 667.66 > 985.48 838.41 725.33 480.25 -21.9 800 uL Reduction & alkylation
CO1A1 P02453 GAPGADGPAGAPGTPGPQGIAGQR 30.79 686.34 > 883.47 729.4 601.34 - -24.6 buffer Tryptic digestion
Horse MYH1 Q8MJV0 TLALLFSGPASADAEAGGK 20.77 888.46 > 1030.48 973.46 805.37 532.27 -31.0 SPE sample clean-up
VVETMQTMLDAEIR 19.90 818.41 > 488.28 948.48 847.43 603.31 -38.2
150 mg food
MYH2 Q8MJV1 EFEIGNLQSK 14.72 582.8 > 646.35 888.48 759.44 475.29 -20.8 sample LCMS-8050 analysis
Pig: type-I collagen
Beef cooked Pork cooked Horse sausage cooked
Chicken cooked Horse cooked Beef-ham-chicken paste
Analysis Of Veterinary Drugs In Food
Start analysis quickly with Shimadzu method package containing
all optimized parameters for analysis of veterinary drugs in Sample
various food using LCMS-8050.
Draw Sample Draw Air Draw Water Inject
Shrimp Chicken Meat
150 150
10 ppb STDs spiked in pork extract 100 100
Recovery (%) 50 50
0 0
Peak elution order
Pork Salmon
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
Fig. 5 Recoveries of Veterinary Drugs in Each of the Matrices