Page 33 - Guide to Lithium-ion Battery Solutions
P. 33

Particle Characterization

 Carbon black particle size and dispersion / aggregation evaluation  Particle size distribution measurement and shape confirmation of active material particles

 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer              Dynamic Particle Image Analysis System

 SALD-2300                                             iSpect  DIA-10
 •   Black samples that easily absorb light can be detected  •   Abnormal particles (foreign matter, agglomeration) are
 •   Analysis while maintaining the state of slurry      detected
 •   Monitoring of aggregation and dispersion status   •   Acquire images of individual particles and check the shape
                                                       •   Detect trends and abnormal values by statistical analysis

 The grain size and grain size distribution of carbon black have a great influence on an electrode's characteristics and the   DIA can detect trace amounts of coarse particles. By detecting coarse particles in the positive electrode material powder, it
 quality and yield of the final product. For proper evaluation, it is important to know the dispersion / aggregation state   is possible to prevent deterioration of Lithium-ion Battery performance and improve safety.
 of the target sample. SALD-2300 realizes highly sensitive measurement of scattered light, and can perform highly reliable
 measurement even with weak scattered light from primary particles after dispersion processing.

                     Purpose                                         Samples
 Purpose  Samples
               Detection of coarse particles contained in     Positive electrode material powder
 Particle size distribution measurement of   Carbon black particle  positive electrode material
 particles with different dispersed states


 Measurement of dispersed solvent

 Result              Result

 It can be seen that by the homogenizer dispersion treatment, aggregates of about 10 μm are dispersed in the fine   Coarse particles in powder used for a positive electrode can lead to performance issues and degradation of the material.
 particles in the submicron region.   These particles can be detected and distinguished either through the image analysis window or a plot based on specific
               parameters. This allows the quality of the powdered raw material to be easily verified.

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