Page 2 - Guide to Lithium-ion Battery Solutions
P. 2

Table of Contents

               (Test / Evaluation Item)                                                                                                                                               Click here for Table of Contents (Unit)

                      Test /        Test /                                                                                                  Test /        Test /
                    Evaluation   Evaluation Items    Instrument                   Application Example                                      Evaluation   Evaluation Items   Instrument                   Application Example
                      Items        (Detail)                                                                                                 Items         (Detail)

                                                                     Compression test of positive electrode active materials   P6                                                          Non-destructive observation of the current collector
                                               Micro Compression Tester
                               Compression Test                                                                                                                                            and of the lower part of the battery   P22
                                               MCT                                                                                                   Internal Structure
                                                                     Compression test of solid electrolyte raw materials   P7
                                                                                                                                                                                           Internal observation of cells that have been charged
                                                                                                                                            Internal   Non-Destructive   Microfocus X-Ray CT System   and discharged 100 to 1500 times   P23
                                                                                                                                           Structure   Inspection     SMX
                     Material                                        Tensile test of the separator         P8                              Evaluation                                      Non-destructive observation of the internal structure
                     Testing                                                                                                                         In-situ Observation                   of an exploded Lithium-ion Battery    P24
                               Tensile Test                          Tensile strength measurement of the separator   P9                              (charge / discharge,
                                               AUTOGRAPH Precision                                                                                   stress)                               Non-destructive observation of an internal structure before
                               Puncture Test   Universal Tester      Puncture strength measurement of the separator   P10                                                                  and after a charge / discharge test   P25
                               DIC Analysis
                                                                     Evaluating the strain characteristics of separators after
                                                                     puncture damage                      P11
                                                                                                                                                     Observation and                       Observation and elemental analysis of minute parts of
                                                                                                                                                     Elemental Mapping                     the positive electrode cross section   P26
                                                                                                                                                     Analysis and Chemical   Electron Probe Microanalyzer
                                                                     Evaluation of decomposition characteristics and thermal                         Bonding State Analysis     EPMA       Evaluate the chemical bonding state of the active
                                               Differential Scanning   stability of each component        P12                                        of Minute Parts                       material of the positive electrode    P27
                               Evaluation of
                               Meltability     Calorimeter
                                               DSC                   Determination of the melting temperature and
                                                                     calorimetry of separators            P13                             Microanalysis
                                                                                                                                                     Observation of Surface                Observation of the surface shape and measurement of
                     Thermal                                                                                                                         Shape and Evaluation                  the potential distribution of minute parts of the positive
                     Analysis                                                                                                                        of Physical Properties   Scanning Probe Microscope/   electrode             P28
                               Moisture        Thermogravimetric Analyzer  Measurement of moisture content in the electrode active                   of Minute Parts  Atomic Force Microscope
                               Measurement     TGA                   material                             P14                                                         SPM/AFM              Surface shape observation and force curve measurement
                                                                                                                                                     In-situ Observation (in
                                                                                                                                                     Liquid / Heating)                     of the binder in electrolyte solution   P30

                               Heat Shrinkage   Thermomechanical Analyzer  Measurement of the shrinkage of the separator   P15
                               Measurement     TMA                                                                                                   Particle Size    Laser Diffraction Particle Size
                                                                                                                                                     Measurement      Analyzer SALD        Particle size measurement of electrode materials   P32

                                                                     Comparison of spectra under argon and atmospheric                   Characterization
                                                                     atmospheres                          P16                                        Particle Size    Dynamic Particle Image   Particle size measurement and image analysis of active
                                               Fourier Transform Infrared                                                                            Measurement and
                                               Spectrophotometer FTIR                                                                                Image Analysis   Analysis System DIA  materials                             P33
                                                                     Component analysis of electrolytes and solvents used in
                                                                     electrolyte solution                 P17
                               Component Analysis

                               Internal Gas
                               Component Analysis
                     Organic /                                       Deterioration evaluation of electrolyte solution   P18
                     Inorganic   Estimated Amount   Ion Chromatograph IC
                    Component   of Internal Gas
                               Deterioration                         Analysis of the solvents used in electrolyte solution and
                                                                     component analysis of additives      P19
                                               Gas Chromatograph/
                                               Single Quadrupole GC-MS  Simultaneous analysis of internal gas   P20
                                                                     Confirmation of changes in gas composition due to
                                                                     deterioration                        P21

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