Page 13 - Shimadzu Asia Pacific - Corporate Profile
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Realising Our Wishes for

    the Well-Being of both

 Mankind and the Earth

 We pave the way towards healthier and improved lives by   Global Pharma Summit Series
 balancing business operations with educational activities,   We understand the importance and contributions made by the
 environmental conservation and research. Our medical solution   pharmaceutical industry in helping to keep this world free from
 saves lives by providing powerful instrumentations that allow   diseases. We provide this platform for global renowned leaders
 timely treatment through accurate decision making.
          and organisations, to share knowledge and address industry
 Internship Programmes
 Our ADSC collaborates with universities and institutions in   Reliable Medical Support
 research and education programmes, which bring education    Our reliable angiography systems with trusted and consistent after
 into life. Interns gain relevant work experience and enhance their   sales maintenance services continue to benefit numerous patients
 analytical skills in the process.
          in Yangon General Hospital, Myanmar since 2000. This led them to
          decide upon a second system in 2010 and a third in 2016.
 Young Scientist Awards
 Joint Workshop Programmes
 We sponsored the “Young Scientist Awards” to provide an   Advanced Medical Technology
 opportunity for young PhD holders to have research and    Our collaboration with Osaka University – Shimadzu Analytical   Our two angiography systems with the most advanced stent
 hands-on training by industry professors and experts.  Innovation Research Laboratory, opens new opportunities for   enhancement technology in the world, installed in National
    exploring and developing new techniques in applied research
 through our joint workshop programmes. We share knowledge   Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Bangladesh, enables
 on metabolomics study with major institutions in this region.    real time imaging capability, leading to improved diagnosis
          and treatment.
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