Page 10 - Shimadzu Asia Pacific - Corporate Profile
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Visit to IITB India by Dr Teruhisa Ueda, President & CEO, Shimadzu Corp.  UM, Malaysia  NYP, Singapore

                                                                                                          NTU, Singapore

          World Class Collaboration

             Initiatives with You

          With our knowledge in advanced science and technology,    Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) – Shimadzu Food Safety and           Philippine Institute of Pure and Applied Chemistry (PIPAC)
          we work closely with renowned institutions and organisations    Innovation Centre                                        PIPAC is an ISO/IEC 17025-accredited institute that helps to
          to expand our research and development capabilities.
                                                                Working together with NYP towards our goal of improving food       ensure the quality and safety of consumer products, such as
                                                                quality testing and analysis, our instruments play crucial roles    food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, environmental and biological
          National University of Singapore (NUS) –              in Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry techniques for food          samples, etc.
          NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI)           safety applications.
          Our research collaboration with NERI addresses complex and                                                               Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT)
          challenging issues in environment and water. We work together   University of Malaya (UM) – Shimadzu-UMMC Centre         We collaborate with IIT Bombay to validate biomarkers for
          to develop and apply fully automated and solvent minimised   for Xenobiotic Studies (SUCXeS)                             glioma and meningioma using targeted proteomics for
          sample preparation procedures that had been integrated with   The only core facility in Malaysia, capable of analysis on various   development of diagnostic and prognostic kits.
          mass spectrometry for water quality monitoring.
                                                                types of drugs and xenobiotic compounds, including poisons,
                                                                adulterants, toxic compounds, pollutants and natural products.
          Nanyang Technological University (NTU),
          School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences –        Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) –
          Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry (CBC)  Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC)
          To expose students to relevant working environment using   ITBC pursues research in tropical biodiversity and champion
          analytical tools, we work together with CBC in our joint   conservation efforts. The success of conservation efforts is ensured
          Chemistry Teaching Lab to conduct undergraduate training   via transfer of knowledge obtained from eco research conducted
          programmes.                                           by them.

          Visit to NERI by Mr Akira Nakamoto, Chairman of the Board, Shimadzu Corp.  NUS, Singapore           UMS, Malaysia                   PIPAC, Philippines
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