Page 9 - Shimadzu Technologies for COVID-19 Crisis
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Research for Alternative Test Methods for COVID-19
Use of MALDI TOF Based Methodology to Spot Characteristic Proteins
A team of UK biotech experts headed by Professor Ray Iles at Maps Diagnostics are
close to delivering a sophisticated and affordable testing technology for COVID-19.
It utilizes MALDI-TOF technology (Shimadzu MALDI-8020)
to spot proteins that are characteristic to COVID-19 and
targets to deliver results within 30 minutes.
Test results can
• Detect the presence or absence of COVID-19
• Measure viral load
• Detect new viral strains as they emerge
Novel Development of Microarray Chip MALDI TOF Assay
Shimadzu has partnered with Bioyong for the development of MicroArray
Chip based MALDI TOF assay for COVID-19 testing.
This platform has recently passed the National COVID-19 test External
Quality Assessment (EQA) organized by the Chinese National Centre for
Clinical Laboratories (NCCL).
This microarray chip MALDI TOF assay can:
• Provide high throughput analysis of 1600 samples per day
• Detects 18 different pathogen in each sample with virus
detection limit at 10 copies/µL
Disclaimer: Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) claims no responsibility for above presented research projects.