Page 11 - Shimadzu Technologies for COVID-19 Crisis
P. 11

Hand Sanitizer | Composition Analysis and Quality Assessment

           World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the practice of good hand hygiene as one of the
           basic protective measures against COVID-19. This includes washing hands with soap and water or
           using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. U.S. CDC have recommended sanitizers with 60–95% alco-

           hol as the most effective composition of sanitizers.

          Additionally, with concerns over product fraud or fake substances used in the manufacturing of
          sanitizers, the analysis of key active ingredients, such as alcohol, in sanitizers is crucial. Shimadzu
          FTIR IRSpirit  and GC Nexis-2030 provide ready to use simple methodology for the measurement
          of ethanol and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) in hand sanitizers.

                                               IRSpirit with QATR  –S
                                               Provides a simple methodology Drop and Click workflow
                                               for the quantitation of ethanol or IPA in sanitizers
                                               The Drop and Click workflow enables:

                                               • Fast results, under 1 min analysis time
                                               • No or minimal sample preparation required
                                               • Excellent data quality and reproducibility
                                               • Low running cost and minimal instrument maintenance

                   0.50                                       0.50
                   Abs                                        Abs
                   0.25                                       0.25

                    0.0                                        0.0
                    4000   3000   2000   1500   1000   500      4000   3000   2000  1500   1000   500
                                                       cm-1                                       cm-1
                           Absorption spectrum for Ethanol              Absorption spectrum for IPA

           Gas Chromatograph GC-2030
           • Ideal for the analysis of volatile compounds
           • Determination of purity of ethanol in sanitizers based on the Chinese
              National standards “Hygienic standard for alcohol disinfectants”

           (GB/T 26373-2010) to fulfil the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CIP 2010 version 2)

                          water                                                      Ethanol
                           2.063                                         Methanol
                                                                   CIP Requirement:
                                                                   Rs > 1.5 for
                                                                   peak 1 & 2
                      methane  methanol  acetone                      Acetaldehyde
                         1.935  2.215   2.723                         Rs = 1.66
                 min. 1.6  1.8  2.0  2.2  2.4  2.6  2.8  3.0  3.2  3.4  0.0  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0  4.5  5.0  5.5  6.0  6.5  7.0  7.5  8.0  8.5  9.0  9.5  min
                   Measurement of ethanol content in hand sanitizers  Determination of maximum allowable impurities in ethanol

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