Page 8 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue4
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Herbal Remedies 109
the Health and Human Services Secretary demanding an end to the
More recently, thirty members of the US Congress sent a letter to
Scott Kuzdzal, Ph.D., Bob Clifford, Ph.D., Paul Winkler and Will Bankert (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments)
be performed by US researchers. federal monopoly on marijuana research so that more studies can Mainstream acceptance of cannabis has increased steadily over the past decade in the United States. Twenty-two states and the District of Columbia have legalized or decriminalized marijuana in some form. Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana for recreational use, with Oregon soon to follow suit. Maryland has approved bills making medical marijuana accessible to patients and decriminalizing possession of limited amounts of the drug. As the medical and recreational uses of cannabinoids increases both in the United States and globally, the need for imp
A Closer Look at Cannabis Testing
Psychedelic Studies released a report titled “The DEA: Four Decades
Introduction – Current US Cannabis Research, Policy & Law
of Impeding and Rejecting Science.” Citing case studies from 1972
to the present, this report claims that the DEA suppressed research
stated in 2011 that marijuana has “no accepted medical use” and
symptoms (Table 1). However, patients with cancer or severe pain,
Strict scheduling and law enforcement actions have made it more
studies than LSD, MDMA, heroin and cocaine. In June, 2014, the
psychoactive properties. The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
difficult for researchers to obtain marijuana samples for scientific
prohibited the use, sales and distribution of marijuana due to its
Cannabis has demonstrated health benefits since ancient times.
medical properties, publications to date indicate that cannabis
While less than 6% of today’s studies on marijuana analyze its
mid-20th century when federal regulations were enacted that
for example, have been blocked from these benefits since the
shows great promise for the treatment of many diseases and
Drug Policy Alliance and the Multidisciplinary Association for
Appears to have powerful anti-tumor properties
on the positive benefits of marijuana for medicinal use.
Reduces pain associated with chemotherapy Treats glaucoma by lowering intraocular pressure Decreases symptoms of epileptic seizures Reduces brain damage after a stroke Relieves discomfort from arthritis Lessens side effects from hepatitis C treatments Treats inflammatory bowel disease Slows the progression of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases the end of this article).
should therefore remain illegal under federal law.
limit of quantification was set at 500 µg/L. The concentrations
obtained with a reference (GC-MS) method in positive patient
quantification and less than 15% at the other concentrations.
quantification was 5 µg/L for all compounds, while the upper
• Separation of two couples of isomers with a run duration less
after patient urine samples with analytes concentrations over
the present method, even when blank samples were injected
significant matrix effect was observed and the lower limit of
Solid-Phase-Extraction, no carry-over effect was noted using
Among the 40 analyzed compounds, 38 filled the validation
samples were compared with those obtained with this new
conditions in term of intra- and inter-assay precision and
UHPLC-MS/MS method and showed satisfactory results.
Despite the quick and simple sample preparation, no
Contrary to what was already observed with on-line
accuracy were less than 20% at the lower limit of
Fig. 3 Chromatogram obtained after an injection of a 5 µL whole blood extract spiked at 200 µg/L
than 6 minutes and using a 5 cm column, • Quick sample preparation based on QuEChERS salts extraction/partitioning, almost as short as on-line Solid Phase • Lower limit of quantification compatible with determination of
Validation data 2000 µg/L. 4. Conclusions Extraction, DUID, • No carry over effect noticed.
allowed the extraction/partitioning of compounds of interest from
matrix. This extraction/partitioning process is not only obtained
occurred and allowed phase separation, but also with urine as
412-31, the combination of acetonitrile and QuEChERS salts
with whole blood and plasma-serum where deproteinization
As described by Anastassiades et al. J. AOAC Int 86 (2003)
B extraction/partitioning: A: acetonitrile with urine sample lead to one phase / B: acetonitrile, QuEChERS
global w430×h280 Extraction conditions presented in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 influence of QuEChERS salts on urine salts and urine lead to 2 phases.
Forensics A 108