Page 4 - Food&Beverages Solution Palm Oil
P. 4

Measurements and Solutions

                                                                                            Molecular Spectroscopy                                 Chromatography                         Mass Spectrometry                Thermal Analyzer
                               Measurement                   Official Method / Reference Method
                                                                                         UV/Vis  AAS  ICP  FTIR                           GC      HPLC     GPC      GC-LC  GC×GCMS    GCMS   GCMS/MS    LCMS    LCMS/MS    DSC      TGA
              Evaluation of   Cocoa butter equivalents      Ce11a-07(11)                                                                  ✓
              Ingredient   Beta carotene                    Ce9-01 (09) /
              Characteristics                                                             ✓
                                                            MPOB p2.6:2004
                         Deterioration of Bleachability Index (DOBI)  MPOB p2.9:2004      ✓
                         Anisidine                          Cd 18-90 /
                                                            MPOB p2.4:2004
                         Free glycerol                      Ca14b-96 (09)                                                                          ✓
                         Fatty Acid (FAME)                  Ca5d-01 (11) /
                                                                                                            ✓                             ✓        ✓
                         Sodium and calcium content         Ca15b-87 (09)                       ✓
                         Monoglycerides & Diglycerides      Cd11d-96 (09)                                                                          ✓
              Evaluation of   Triglycerides                 Ce5-86 (09) (GC) /
              Quality                                                                                                                     ✓        ✓                                                     ✓
                                                            Ce5b-89 (11) (HPLC)
                         Trans isomer (Trans Fat)           Cd14-95 (09)                                    ✓
                         Iodine value                       Cd1d-92 (09)                                    ✓
                         Tocopherols & Tocotrienole         Ce8-89 (09)                                                                            ✓
                         Melting properties of fats and oils  Cj1-94 (09)                                                                                                                                                  ✓
                         Polymerized Triglycerides          Cd22-91 (09)                                                                                    ✓
                         Antioxidants                       Ce6-86 (09)                                                                            ✓
                         Degradation by Oxidation           Shimadzu Method                                                                                                                                                         ✓
                         Trans unsaturated fatty acid       Ch2a-94 (11)                                                                  ✓                                   ✓
                         Mineral oil detection              Shimadzu Method                                                                                          ✓
                         Pesticides (organophosphorus and organochlorine)  Cd23-93 (09)                                                   ✓
                         Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)    Ca3C-01 (09) /
                                                                                                                                          ✓                                            ✓
                                                             Cg4-94 (09)
                         Hexane residue                     Ca3b-87 (11)                                                                  ✓
                         Phosphorus by AAS method           Ca12b-92 (09)
                                                            MPOB p2.8 part2:2004
                         Phosphorus by UV method            Cd 12-55
                                                            MPOB p2.8 Part 1(a): 2004 (UV method)
              Evaluation of   Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd by AAS method  AOAC 999.11
              Safety                                                                            ✓
                                                            MPOB p2.10:2004
                         Trace metal by AAS method          Ca15-75 (09)                        ✓
                         Trace element in oil by ICP-OES    Ca17-01 (09)                              ✓
                         Phosphorus in oil by ICP-OES       Ca20-99 (09)                              ✓
                         2- and 3-MCPD & Glycidol ester     Cd 29a-13
                                                            Cd 29b-13                                                                                                                  ✓        ✓                 ✓
                                                            Cd 29c-13
                         Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)               Cd 21-91                                                                               ✓
                         PAHs                               Shimadzu Method                                                                        ✓

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