Page 12 - Shimadzu Journal vol.4 Issue1
P. 12

New Energy

            In the TIC chromatogram for the squalene hydrogenation degradation   It is possible to calculate the carbon number for these degradation
            products (Fig. 3), it is evident that degradation products have been   products based on the molecular weight calculated using the chemical
            generated by the catalyst, since hydrocarbon peaks C 12  to C 29  can be   ionization (CI) method. For details on this analysis, refer to “Analysis
            observed in addition to the peak for the main component, squalane   of Hydrocarbons Using PCI-GC-MS (from next page, reproduction of
            (C 30 ). The intensities of peaks C 12 , C 18 , C 23 , and C 28 , which are shown   Application News M270)”. The samples in this investigation were
            in red circles, are less than for the other peaks, so it is believed that   kindly provided by Professor Tomishige of Hydrocarbon Chemistry,
            they are hard to generate in this catalytic reaction process. This means   Resources and Environment Labs, Department of Applied Chemistry,
            that an intermediate position between branches in the squalane   Tohoku University.
            molecule is selectively cleaved due to the action of this catalyst to
            generate degradation products retaining a branched structure.

                                      Fig. 3  TIC Chromatogram for Squalane Hydrogenation Degradation Products

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