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Shimadzu  Smart Solution for Biotech & Life Science

                    Field           Applications and Objectives              Shimadzu Products
                                    Genotyping                         MultiNA, Ampdirect Plus
                                    Marker discovery                   MultiNA, Ampdirect Plus
                   Genomics         Analysis of nucleic acid compounds  MALDI-TOFMS, LCMS, TMSPC, SPM
                                    Genetic examination of foods       MultiNA, BioSpec-nano
                                    Microbial and viral examinations   MultiNA, Ampdirect Plus
                                    Protein expression analysis        MALDI-TOFMS, LCMS-IT-TOF, nano-LC, AccuSpot
                                                                       MALDI-TOFMS, LCMS-IT-TOF, Trace-level
                                    Post-translational modifications analysis  oligosaccharide rapid analysis system, nano-LC,
               Medicinal Chemistry                                     AccuSpot, Cell-free protein synthesis reagent kit
            (Synthesis and Purification)  Structural analysis          FTIR
                                    Peptide mapping                    LCMS
                                    N-terminal amino acid sequencing analysis  Protein sequencing systems (PPSQ-31A/33A)
                                    Marker discovery                   MALDI-TOFMS, Stable isotope labeling kit
                                    Marker discovery                   GCMS, LCMS-IT-TOF
                 Metabolomics       Metabolite analysis                GCMS, HPLC (Nexera)
                                    In vitro imaging                   MALDI-TOFMS, iMScope, CHIP
                                    Optical brain-function imaging      fNIRS

                          Genomics  Proteomics  Metabolomics  Imaging

                AXIMA Series                    LCMS-IT-TOF                           iMScope
                Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption  High Performance Liquid             Imaging Mass Microscope
                Ionization Quadrupole Ion-trap   Chromatograph Ion-trap
                Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer  Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer

               MultiNA                            PPSQ-31A/33A                      BioSpec-nano
               Microchip Electrophoresis System   Protein Sequencing System         Life Science Spectrophotometer
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