Page 18 - Shimadzu LCMS-8050
P. 18
Compound Identification
LabSolutions Insight Library Screening
LabSolutions Insight offers MS/MS library search capabilities. enables you to produce high-quality results without the need
Instrument parameters and MS/MS library spectra are to define a threshold value to trigger a spectrum, decreasing
available to deliver faster data acquisition, higher data the chance of false negative reporting. This feature, MRM
quality, and enhanced identification. Shimadzu’s Spectrum Mode, acquires all compound fragments of
LabSolutions Insight software offers easy viewing of the interest in MRM mode and can be used to create accurate
compounds of interest, including structural information, spectra from even trace concentrations.
retention time and library similarity score. LabSolutions also
Example of the screening of veterinary
drugs using MRM spectrum mode
In MRM Spectrum Mode, known compound
fragments are selectively acquired using multiple
MRM channels, enhancing signal for low abundance
analytes. Shimadzu's ultra-fast quadrupole
technology makes this a practical approach for large
panels of analytes.
LC/MS/MS Method Packages and MRM Libraries
Shimadzu offers a wide variety of method packages containing LC separation conditions and a number of predetermined MRM conditions.
Laboratories can bypass time-consuming method development steps and realize results sooner.
Description Flyer code Description Flyer code
Residual Pesticides C146-E348 Cell Culture Profiling C146-E279
Veterinary Drugs C146-E161 D/L Amino Acids C146-E336
Water Quality Analysis C146-E180 Short Chain Fatty Acids C146-E355
Method Packages
Rapid Toxicology Screening C146-E224 Mycotoxins C146-E351
Primary Metabolites C146-E227 Aminoglycoside Antibiotics C146-E352
Lipid Mediators C146-E225
MRM Libraries Metabolic Enzymes in Yeast C146-E275 Phospholipid Profiling C146-E314
Note: Check your local sales office to learn which packages are compatible with each LCMS model.
Traverse MS ™
Multivariate Analysis Software
Traverse MS data analysis software enables mutivariate analysis of
high complexity data in the field of metabolomics. Both Shimadzu
GCMS and LCMS MRM data can be analyzed to align, identify, and
quantitate component peaks. Large sample sets can be displayed
graphically, statistical analysis can be performed, and metabolite
pathways can be mapped.
* Traverse MS is provided by Reifycs Inc.