Page 5 - GC-2050
P. 5

Compact without Compromise

                                                                 Even if the Brevis GC-2050 does not have a
 Space-saving yet expandable design
                                                                 monitor, the GC Remote Display* on your smart
                                                                 device or PC can be used to check instrument
 The compact Brevis GC-2050, with a 350 mm system
                                                                 status, manage daily maintenance procedures,
 width, including an auto-injector (AOC -30i), makes
                                                                 watch videos, etc.
 even more use of lab space. Compared to the
                                                                 Note: Windows ®  device application, wired connection to GC is
 flagship Nexis  GC-2030, the system's width has                      recommended.
 been reduced by approximately 35 %. At the same
 time, it is possible to connect additional headspace
 samplers, a mass spectrometer, and other accessories
 (available soon), providing the scalability to cover   Compact and easy to maintain
 the analytical needs of today's GC/GCMS users.

                                                                 One-touch inlet maintenance
 350 mm
                                                                 The injection port can be opened or closed
 553 mm
                                                                 without tools by simply sliding the ClickTek  Nut
 Oven duct                                                       lever. Replace the insert, slide the lever, and feel
 Flow controller/                                                the click to ensure leak-free performance.

 H2 sensor available
 Compact system configuration                                    Fast inlet maintenance, Easy sTop

 INJ(Max2)  During development of the Brevis GC-2050,            Clicking the Maint. (Maintenance) button on the
 Dual line capable  DET(Max3)
 the injection ports, detectors, electrical                      GC front will start lowering the temperature of the
 boards, etc. were rearranged to achieve a                       GC inlet and oven, and stop the gas supply
 flexible system configuration while                               automatically*. After maintenance of the inlet,
 maintaining a slim system width.                                clicking the button again will return the instrument
                                                                 to standby after an automatic leak check. Routine
                                                                 maintenance procedures can be further simplified.
                                                                 Note: Disabling the automatic gas supply shutdown to protect
                                                                     the MS detector is possible.

                                                                      Cooling       Replace   Setting up
                                                               MAINT.                    MAINT.
                   GAS CHROMATOGRAPH
                                                                   Click                     Click
 Enough storage for two columns
                                                                 Tool-less column installation

 Sufficient GC oven size                                         The ClickTek makes column attachment a
                                                                 one-touch operation. A noticeable clicking
 Despite its space-saving design, this GC oven does              sensation signals a secure column connection,
 not require a dedicated column, and up to two                   putting the user at ease.
 general capillary columns can be used.                          Note: The ClickTek connector is optional.

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