Page 3 - Shimadzu USF-2000A
P. 3


            extended features at a glance
              20 kHz ± 500 Hz test frequency
              10  cycle test in 14 hours (compared to 39 days at 300 Hz)
              10  cycle test in 6 days (compared to 365 days at 300 Hz)   100  20 Hz general fatigue tester
                                                                                           20 kHz USF-2000A
              Range of test amplitudes 100 MPa – 1,200 MPa                                              Only
              (1,000 MPa grade steel tests are possible)                   10   300 Hz hydraulic high-speed fatigue tester  6 days!
              ± 50 µm amplitude in end surface of horn                   Hour                     10  cycles 20 kHz
              Recreates fatigue failure appearance from micro-defects                             14 hours
              and inclusions in a short time
                                                                                           10  cycles 20 kHz
              Resonance technique reduces power consumption to                             1.4 hours
              1/100 W compared to a conventional fatigue test             0.1
                                                                             10 6  10 7   10 8  10 9  10 10  10 11
              Smallest table top system available                                          Test Cycle
              No oil or cooling water required
              Mean stress loading is available as an optional function

              10  cycles fatigue test results are on hand.   Example of fatigued surface of high-strength
                                                 steel from the Shimadzu very high cycle
                                                 fatigue testing system USF-2000A.
                                                 Inclusions are evident which were the fatigue
                                                 point of origin.

              Very High Cycle Fatigue Test Specimen

                 Testable materials                         Materials that cannot be tested
                 Materials that can resonate at 20 kHz, and that generate   Materials that do not resonate at 20 kHz, or for which specimen
                 little heat when resonating (such as high-strength steel,   installation is difficult (plastics, ceramics). Also materials that generate
                 duralumin, titanium alloys, aluminum).     significant heat due to hysteresis energy when resonating at 20 kHz.

                                Example of specimen dimensions  Young's modulus 206,000 MPa, Density 7.85 g/cm 3

                 1) Circular tapered specimen                2) Notched specimen
                  M6 × 0.75        Test stress range (nominal stress) approx.   (6.49)  Test stress range (nominal stress) approx.
                                                                                   140 to 700 MPa coefficient of stress
                                   200 to 1,000 MPa
                      ø3.0  (R58.9)  ø10.0                    M6 × 0.75  ø6.0  R3.0  concentration approx. 1.56
                      40 ± 0.05                                  60.75 ± 0.05  90°      ø10.0
                      9.8 ± 0.05  9.8 ± 0.05                           121.5 ± 0.05

               * The software can be dimensioned and stress calculation of the test specimen.          (Units: mm)

                                                                                              Very High Cycle Fatigue Testing System
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